Part IV: Zionism

<– Return to Part 3: Globalism

When Philip IV had suppressed the Templars in the 14th century, he had also suppressed the Jews, for similar reasons as the Templars.   For moneylending at interest, for having too much power, and becoming a state within a state. There were longstanding conflicts between the European Jews and Christians, with the core matter being belief in Jesus Christ, but with the practical matter being moneylending at interest, a practice Christians viewed as a crime and outlawed but which Jews engaged in, causing economic turmoil anywhere it took place, and resulting in persecution and retaliation against Jews.

Often the entire Jewish population would be blamed for the actions of a tiny number of wealthy merchant lenders. The hostility toward all Jews for the actions of the moneylenders became known as anti-semitism.

Merovingian kings, and later Freemasons generally defended European Jews against Christians, a sort of common enemy, and many European Jews became Freemasons.

As they did from the start with Charles Martel using the rabbi Makhir, the members of this Merovingian bloodline are using the European Ashkenazi Jews to lend legitimacy to their purpose and to disguise who is in control of the movement to secure control of Jerusalem, which they once controlled but lost in 1291.

A movement which today is referred to as Zionism.  

The Merovingian rulers often employed the Ashkenazi Jews as treasurers, debt collectors and accountants, and provided them with protection and housing near or within the ruling class castles and residences. These financial sidekicks of the ruling elite became known as court Jews.

An example of this is Joseph Oppenheimer, who served as court Jew for Frederick Charles, who was from a line of Habsburg Holy Roman Emperors.

Upon the death of Frederick, Oppenheimer lost his protection and was immediately arrested and executed for his lifetime of legalized crime. The Jewish term for a court Jew was Nasi, a word meaning prince of the Sanhedrin.

In some cases these Nasi families merged with the Royals they served thru intermarriage, resulting in a few Jewish families becoming extremely wealthy.

Perhaps the most notable of these was the Benveniste-Mendes family. They were even given an honorary title of nobility and became in effect, a Templar family. After the suppression of the Templars, they were one of many Jewish families which had been forced to pretend to convert to Christianity. But once the Jesuit (Templar) order came to power in Rome, they were able to convert back to Judaism in 1552.

And with the Jesuits in power, an attempt on Jerusalem was made right away. Banker Joseph Nasi attempted to establish a European settlement in Palestine. Important to note is that Nasi himself did NOT settle there, he instead attempted to lure other European Jews to settle there, to create the appearance of a desire among European Jews to settle there, when no such desire existed. This was the first of many attempts by Templar banking families to try and entice European Jews to settle Palestine, to establish a population there, to make it appear to be a grass roots religious movement and conceal the real reasons for taking over the land.   Also important to note is who Joseph Nasi was prior to his family merging with the Templars.

He was a direct descendant of the Rabbi Hillel the Elder. Hillel the elder was the head of the Sanhedrin in the first century AD, and was considered in his day the highest authority among the Pharisees. Hillel’s son, and his grandson were also heads of the Sanhedrin, meaning that one of these three was presiding over the Sanhedrin at the time of the trial of Jesus Christ.  

A trial which was said to have taken place in the Hall of Hewn Stones, perhaps in a symbolic prelude to the attacks on Christianity by Masonry. The children of the very men who killed Jesus Christ, 1500 years later were attempting to take over Jerusalem to rebuild the earthly temple Jesus had destroyed.

Joseph Nasi’s attempt to colonize Palestine was a failure, as there was no interest among European Jews to relocate there. But the movement to recapture Jerusalem was far from over.

In 1621 A knight named Sir Henry Finch, posing as a Protestant (but descended from royals and crusader Templars and educated at Cambridge), wrote a book titled The World’s Great Restoration, or Calling of the Jews, and with them of all Nations and Kingdoms of the Earth to the Faith of Christ.  In the book, Finch predicted that the Jews of Europe would take Jerusalem, from where they would establish a global empire. The book also planted a seed in the minds of Christians for the first time, that it was in their interest to support such an anti-Christian movement.

Moses Medellssohn, a student of the high ranking Freemason Gotthold Lessing, started a more widespread movement to plant the idea among European Jews that they should be separated from the populations of other countries and form a state of their own.

Then, in 1771 a book was published in London titled Observations Upon the Prophecies of the Restoration of the Jews, which advocated rounding up and shipping off ALL European Jews to the land of Palestine.

In 1805, two Cambridge educated Templars, Anthony Hamilton and his son William Richard created the Palestine Association – formed to study the geography, resources and population of Palestine, to begin preparations for conquest and colonization.

6 years later, Francois Rene de Chateaubriand, raised in a castle as the son of a Templar navigator and slave trader, published another book advocating for the relocation of Jews from Europe into Palestine.

Then came John Nelson Darby. Born to a Templar family, Darby studied law in the temple district in London. Darby’s assignment was to spread the belief among Christians that establishing an earthly kingdom of Israel was actually a part of Christian beliefs, and that it should be supported by all Christians.  

Darby published his own Bible translation with thousands of subtle changes to insert occult phrases and change the wording of many scriptures in ways that decreased or concealed the significance of Jesus. Along with John Vesey Parnell, he formed a group called the Plymouth Brethren.   Their earthly kingdom deception was based on the work of Augustine of Hippo and led countless Christians over the next two centuries to support anti-Christian Zionism.

Alexander Crawford Lindsay, like many Templars, was born in a castle to a royal family and educated at Cambridge. In 1837 he traveled to Palestine, then returned and wrote a book that contained a surprising new idea: That all European Jews should be shipped off to Palestine.

In 1842 The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, a Jesuit political instrument posing as a Protestant religious group, sent several of its agents to Palestine, one of whom was Alexander Keith and another was Andrew Bonar, who returned home and published Narrative of a Visit to the Holy Land; And, Mission of Inquiry to the Jews.   In it, he wishes fondly that European Jews could be rounded up and shipped off to Palestine where they could replace the occupants of Palestine who have lived there for thousands of years. He also, very prophetically, imagines the resources of countries surrounding Palestine being looted and utilized to prop up the hypothetical European Jewish settlement.

To the untrained eye, this would make it appear that Scottish Protestants have some interest, for some unknown reason in rounding up and relocating the European Jewish population into Palestine.  

But Scottish Protestants do not have any such interest.   

Only Merovingian Jewish Jesuit Templar Knights do.

Another would-be-temple-builder named Henry Temple, also known as Lord Palmerston wrote a letter in 1840 to a Lord Ponsonby, in which he announced that the European Jews were preparing to “return” to Palestine. In this letter he also suggests that it would be clever to deceive the Ottoman Sultan who controlled the region, to make him believe that placing the European Jews there would benefit the Sultan.


Another Templar named Lord Shaftsbury published a large newspaper ad, written as a letter to the so-called-Protestant leaders of Europe. In the letter he insists, that it has somehow now become THE DUTY of so-called Protestant nations to join together and confiscate the land of Palestine from the population living there, and replace them with the European Jews.

Then, Bosnian rabbi Judah Alkalai after an extended visit to London’s Temple district, came away with a sudden strong urge to round up European Jews and deposit them in the Middle East. In 1857 he unleashed a document on the subject. In it, he details a clever scheme he has hatched, this one also featuring a plan to deceive the Ottoman Sultan: A Templar joint-stock corporation could be formed, he suggests. It could pretend to be a railroad venture or something involving commerce or trade, which could be used to dupe the Ottoman sultan into selling or giving the land to the corporation. He would not realize what had taken place until it was too late and the land was already sold.

Other rabbis (who had not visited the Temple district in London) heard Alkalai’s ideas and were outraged, and united in total opposition, since the Jewish religion prohibits any restoration of Jewish people to the land of Israel except by God himself.   The plan fizzled.  

If, for any reason you ever mistakenly thought that the Zionism was some grassroots religious movement, rather than simply another genocidal conquest by the richest of the worlds richest men, seizing yet another territory in the way they had seized so many others,  the 1841 letter from Charles Henry Churchill to banker Moses Montefiore reveals without as shadow of a doubt that the origins of the Zionist movement were in London.

Churchill outlines a plan to quote “conjure” a mass simultaneous agitation across Europe, TO DECEIVE THE JEWISH POPULATION into thinking that a popular movement existed for the European Jews to relocate to Palestine, when in reality no such movement existed. And a plan to dupe the wealthier Jews around Europe, into helping influence their respective governments into supporting the non-existent movement.

The letter stated that Churchill had drawn up a petition which he planned to collect Jewish signatures on, so that it would deceptively appear to be a Jewish inspired document, and that Churchill was requesting Montefiore’s assistance thru funding and political influence. And that the European Jews who moved to Palestine would be protected from the displaced indigenous population, by the military force of the European powers.
He ends the letter by saying, if Montefiore opposes the Templar plan, that Churchill will: “bend at once to your decision, only begging you to appreciate my motive.”

It doesn’t get any clearer that this. No movement existed of European Jews desiring to leave home and go occupy Palestine.  Such a movement needed to be “conjured,” through a series of duplicitous acts, to make the world think it existed.

One year later Churchill wrote again to Montefiore, this time proposing that an official czar be appointed, under the authority of the British Secretary of State, to go to Palestine and oversee the project. But, instead of the British Secretary simply appointing a bureaucrat as czar, that the Jews of Britain should, at the direction of Montefiore, petition the British government, requesting that such a czar be appointed, again so that the outside world would be deceived into thinking that this was a movement by and for European Jews.

This czar appointee ended up being George Gawler who had experience in colonization, as he had just finished assisting Templar corporations in the conquest and genocide of the indigenous Australian population, giving him the necessary qualifications for the Palestine conquest.

Gawler in 1838 had been “appointed” by the South Australian Company as “governor” of South Australia, even though he had never been there, and the South Australia Company was trespassing there.   He had been put in place to oversee the genocide and resource looting operations, which was exactly the same plan to be carried out now in Palestine.  Under Gawler’s supervision, the Templar merchants began selling the Australian land which they did not own, to British colonists who were to come and populate the area. Today many streets and a city and a mountain range are named after Gawler in Australia.      

Gawler and the Freemason Montefiore, toured Palestine together, after which Montefiore purchased some land there and paid some European Jews bribes to come and settle in Palestine.  But few stayed for more than a short time. The problem remained, of how to get the Jewish population to leave the comforts of Europe and move to the hot and desolate, undeveloped Middle East. (It was the same challenge the Templars had faced when trying to start the crusades: How to deceive Europeans to leave home and support the conquest.)

1851 Correspondence from eventual British Prime minister Benjamin Disraeli to Lord Edward Stanley, the 15th Earl of Derby revealed that Disraeli considered it his life’s work to secure Jerusalem for the Templars, and he proposed a plan of acquiring the help of all the bankers in Europe. If the politicians couldn’t help, and the European Jews didn’t want to go, perhaps there was a way to buy your way in.  Disraeli was later made an honorary Templar (knighted) for his service.

William Wilberforce, yet another Merovingian Jewish descendant of William of Gellone, founded the Church’s Ministry Among Jewish People, a Jesuit group posing as Protestant, and with a stated founding purpose of installing the European Jews in Palestine. In 1863 the after having no success in getting any of the population to Palestine, the group began colonizing Jerusalem itself, buying property, and building schools.

Another very similar organization to the Church’s Ministry Among Jewish people was funded by a close associate of Wilberforce, the wealthy heiress Olivia Sparrow, from a very anti-Protestant Stewart bloodline, but posing as a Protestant philanthropist.

It was important to begin placing the Ashkenazi Jews at the forefront of the Zionist movement, to make it appear organic, and conceal its Templar origins, and Sparrow with her immeasurable Stewart family wealth sponsored Ridley Haim Herschel. The preposterous biography we’re given on Herschel has him receiving a secret mysterious letter introducing him to “contacts” in London, “dramatically” renouncing Judaism, becoming a Protestant, and then escaping poverty by joining forces with the London Templar elites, where, funded by Sparrow and her Stewart wealth, he founds the “Protestant” London Evangelical Alliance, and the World Evangelical Alliance, which uses as its logo, the Mark of Cain: The Templar cross with a sun behind it. (They must have a good laugh at how stupid we all are when they write these stories.)

These organizations are still around today and have done a great deal to promote Zionism in Christian churches around the world, to dupe Protestants so that they would not recognize that Zionism was the culmination of the Counter Reformation.

The excuses used by the London Temple royals for their continued advances on Palestine grow increasingly amusing.

In 1864 another wealthy London heiress, Angela Burdett Couts funded a project to survey and map Jerusalem. Under the idiotic cover story of searching for better drinking water for the Palestinian population, she sent a Templar knight, Sir Charles William Wilson to handle the job.

During the trip, and try not to laugh, Wilson made a quick pitstop to excavate the area beneath the former temple of King Solomon.

From this point forward the Templars continued aggressively conducting the excavations and exploration they had begun over 700 years prior. The survey of the region by Wilson was immediately followed by a military intelligence gathering operation run by the Palestine Exploration Fund.

Throughout 2nd half of the 19th century, the campaign marched on: Propaganda was distributed, books were written, grandstanding proclamations were made, petitions were drawn up, all to “conjure” the appearance of great public interest in moving the European Jews into Palestine.  But the same major problem remained for the Crown. There was simply no interest whatsoever among the European Jewish population in moving to Palestine. They were extremely wary of what appeared to be a Christian scheme to displace and deport them from western society, and to leave their comfortable lives and modern conveniences to resettle in an sparsely developed arid region.

But it would be events in Russia that would finally give the Merovingian Zionist leaders the boost they needed to begin relocating the European Jewish population. 

Conquest of Russia had been partially achieved in 1721 when Russian Emperor Peter the Great had been persuaded to marry his daughter to a Templar Prince, which took place in when Anna Petrovna had been married to Charles Frederick, a Merovingian Jewish descendant of William of Gellone.

The standard Phoenician-merger-and-acquisition form of conquest.

Then, their son Peter III was then married to another Merovingian, Sophie of Anhalt-Zerbst. Sophie took on the name Catherine II to make it appear she was related to the Russian Romanov Catherine I, which she was not.  She then had her husband, who was half Russian, arrested and killed, and she became the sole ruler.

She then ruled as Catherine the Great.

Within 2 generations the Romanovs had been supplanted and displaced by foreign rule. Catherine’s rise to power was, of course funded by her noble relatives and their royal connections.   To lend legitimacy to the foreign rule, she adopted Russian customs and attire and learned to speak Russian, although poorly and with a foreign accent.

Under the guidance of her handlers – who were top western freemasons including Diderot and Voltaire- she imposed the western enlightenment and materialist poison on Russia, causing great upheaval in Russian society, which resulted in a series of revolts against her. Voltaire likened her to the Queen of Babylon. She became seen as an occupier who the people resented. (The total obsession with Sophie-Catherine by the Hollywood/Zionist film industry makes sense only once this background is understood. Her anti-Christian reforms set the stage for the coming fall of Russia.)

As a result of this conquest and upheaval, there developed in Russia, the same Jew vs Christian conflict that was common across the rest of Europe.  This culminated in 1881 with the assassination of Russian czar Alexander II, by Jewish Marxist revolutionaries. The response to this was widespread anti-Jewish sentiment and persecution. This opportunity was seized and an intensive propaganda campaign was used to encourage Jews to leave Russia, perhaps to some Middle Eastern utopia.

The phrase “6 million Jews” was adopted, with the completely false claim published widely, that 6 million Jews in Russia were in danger of “extermination.” The seeds were planted in the public mind that European Jews were “unsafe” and needed a “place to go.” In 1889 the New York Times published articles claiming that 6 million Jews in Russia were in great danger. For the next 40 years the relentless propaganda would continue, about 6 million Jews in Russia being an endangered species.

Before the turn of the 20th century, finally, after nearly a century of efforts to round up European Jews to send them to Palestine, many Jews did begin to leave Russia.

But not to Palestine. They went to the United States. Because the United States was a much better place to live than Palestine.

But it finally became clear that the way to succeed in convincing Jews to leave Europe was conflict, violence, and fear. Nothing else had worked.

The solution became, to create a large scale war.

An event was organized known as the first Zionist Congress, in which plans were finally officially announced to take the land of Palestine from the indigenous people and establish European Settlements there.

Religious Jews were horrified by the plans of the bankers, and rabbis publicly denounced any plans to occupy Palestine. Theodore Herzl, who organized the Zionist Congress, wrote that it was essential to increase Jewish suffering, which would be the driving force of the movement, and suggested creating a quote “fairytale” about how they may strike gold there as a way to lure unsuspecting Jews to Palestine.

The Zionists adopted the Masonic 6 pointed star as their logo. With funding of course, from London, a few small settlements of European Jews were established in Palestine.

Problems began immediately. The new populations, of course, clashed with the locals, and suffered from a lack of infrastructure and poor living conditions.  

Settlers were surprised to learn they were not permitted to make decisions about the affairs of the settlements without orders from London, and some left and returned to Europe.  

Enough was enough. At the 6th Annual Zionist congress, President and co-founder Max Nordau announced that there would be a coming massive war, to accomplish the goal of taking control of Palestine.

Nordau’s comments would prove alarmingly prophetic, a few years later when a massive war unfolded in Europe, and all the nations who had been entangled in pre-arranged alliances were forced into the war. Nordau knew that the agreements had been carefully arranged to ensure all nations involved would be forced into the war.  

The true purpose of the war is revealed numerous times throughout the conflict: As soon as Britain entered the war, a London statesman of noble descent issued a memorandum to Parliament suggesting that Britain should quickly annex Palestine, and perhaps build a temple there.

(To an observer who was unaware of what the London Templars had been doing for the past 1000 years, this would seem like an extremely bizarre request. It would be similar to a request at the start of the American Civil War, for Arkansas to hurry and annex Honduras.)

At the same time, there was a subtle shift in the press propaganda. The claim that 6 million Jews in Russia were in danger, which had been published for 40 years (but failed to produce results) was now shifted to 6 million Jews in the war zone, which included most of Europe. There was no update given on the status of the 6 million in Russia, and to this day it is unknown if they are still in grave danger in Russia, as press coverage came to a sudden halt.

This was a carefully crafted and engineered war, but quickly began to run out of steam as it had no apparent purpose or benefit of any kind for the populations of Europe, only for a tiny group of very wealthy men who had been obsessed with Jerusalem for 1000 years.

Britain had declared war on Germany for no discernible reason and then gotten its butt kicked. And despite London imposing an illegal blockade on Germany, cutting off food supplies and causing 750,000 German civilians to starve to death, an unspeakable war crime and genocide which has been ignored, Germany still offered peace and an end to hostilities, and published a manifesto in several languages to attempt to notify the world that the Western Press was lying about everything, and that the war had been imposed on Germany.

The peace sought by Germany would pose a disaster for the Templars as no progress had been made toward the capture of Jerusalem.  So to gain public support in England for the pointless war, a propaganda campaign was run, by the owner of the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror, Templar Sir Alfred Harmsworth, who was said to be the man more responsible than any other single person for World War 1.   Before the war, Harmsworth had run constant propaganda trying to incite a war, and now to evade the German peace offers, Harmsworth kicked off a relentless press campaign against the sitting British Prime Minister HH Asquith.

Asquith did not believe Britain could defeat Germany, and saw no reason to continue the British aggression since there was no purpose for the war, and especially since Germany was pursuing peace talks. Harmsworth’s propaganda campaign portrayed Asquith as weak and cowardly, and endangering Britain. It succeeded in removing Asquith and replacing him with David Lloyd George, a Templar knight of…(surprise) the Order of St John. of Jerusalem

Lloyd George immediately assembled a war cabinet, and within hours of taking office, he shifted the focus toward the only purpose of the war, which was the capture of Jerusalem. Lloyd George and his owners were not at all concerned with the superior military power of Germany, as they had secret plans to bring the United States into the war to defeat Germany for them.

   They succeeded by early 1917 after a series of aggressive and duplicitous moves which resulted in the US being tricked into the war, sending 4 million troops and smashing the German army.

The British troops entered Jerusalem in December 1917.

Jerusalem was finally secured by the Knights Templar over 600 years after they had lost control of it.

This time they would not relinquish it.

They were still faced, however, with the larger problem of needing to populate the region with Europeans, and after World War 1, they went to work immediately on creating conditions for an even larger war to accomplish it. At Versailles the peace treaties were deliberately drawn to create as much tension as possible to set the stage for further wars and larger conflicts. Large portions of countries were cut off, and the populations in those regions placed under foreign rule and persecution to create revolutionary conditions.

Germany was forced at gunpoint to accept peace terms which required them to give up large areas of their country, which were populated by Germans and had been for centuries. Germany was required to pay enormous reparations which would take nearly 100 years to pay off. They were required to accept responsibility for a war that was forced on them, and to accept Marxist foreign rule under the new Weimar Republic. The Protestant Reformation started in Germany and they were being brutally punished for it.

Under the Weimar Republic Germans were subjected to the usual hyperinflation, food, material and resource shortages, total government corruption, increase in crime and prostitution, and the standard cultural and economic collapse (by design) under Marxism.

The result was mass anti-semitism across Germany.  The Germans knew who started the war, as most of Europe did at that time, and they knew who brought the US in, and who was persecuting them now. Today almost no one knows the reasons behind the war after a century of propaganda and state (Jesuit) run schools erasing the history. All of these attacks on Germany were also meant to create tensions against Jews that would serve to separate the Jewish population from Germany so they could be lured to Palestine.

The German suffering led to the rise of many anti-Marxist figures, one of whom was selected by the Templars as the perfect leader to bring to power to build up a new enemy that could be used to start another war. This person was Adolf Hitler. The Zionist bankers began funding Hitler and helping him grow his movement, and guiding his actions by placing the Merovingian Jew Herman Goring, at Hitler’s side to advise him.

Goring’s father was a noble who was appointed governor of West South Africa. Hermann Goring however is not named after his father Heinrich, but after Hermann Epenstein, a wealthy Jewish merchant who had a longstanding affair with Goring’s mother.  Epenstien even became Goring’s godfather and gifted Gorings family a castle to live in.   Epenstein was knighted for his service to the crown Temple in London.   Goring, when the time came was assigned to be a handler of Adolf Hitler.   Hitler was an excellent public speaker, but temperamental and emotional, a perfect figure to persuade the people in public, but also easy to manipulate behind the scene. Mysterious wealthy donors began approaching Hitler and offering to fund his anti-Communist movement, posing as pro-German supporters of the anti-Communist cause.

Sidney Warburg details three meetings with Hitler in which tens of millions of dollars were transferred from Wall Street directly to Hitler to quote “Bring about a complete revolution of the German State.” While they gave money directly to Hitler behind closed doors, in public they offered to resolve Germany’s massive unpayable debt in the following way:

They would make a series of enormous loans to the German government which must be repaid plus interest by the German citizens. But most of the money from these loans was not spent on the German citizens. It went right back into the pockets of the Templar corporations in Germany, and was utilized to build a massive supply of war materials.

The press propaganda portrayed the funding plan as wonderful for Germany. In reality it placed them much deeper in debt, while the corporations reaped windfall profits.

It was known as the Dawes Plan, named after Charles Dawes one of the international banking Templars who crafted it.  The other crafter of the plan was Owen Young, President of General Electric, one of the worlds largest corporations.

Young was also the founder of RCA, the worlds largest radio broadcaster, AND was on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation.

You cant make this stuff up.

Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil, considered by some measures to be the wealthiest man in world history, is of course a Merovingian Jew, and so of course, is JP Morgan, who was the primary banker funding the loans, under both the Dawes Plan and its successor the Young Plan.

The Wall Street funds poured in to Germany. To streamline war preparations, the Templars consolidated several of their major German companies into one giant monolith known as I.G. Farben.  The companies which merged to form IG Farben included Hoechst AG, founded by a family of Merovignian Jews, and AGFA Gavaert, a company created by the great grandson of Freemason & Enlightenment leader Moses Mendelssohn. Moses Medelssohn wrote the book Jerusalem, a text which was highly influential in the early Zionist movement.

IG Farben developed a near monopoly on producing war materials in Germany.

But the Magog descended Templars did far more than just advising Hitler, funding his entire movement, and producing all of the war materials. They also pulled the strings to make sure he came to power in Germany. Hjalmar Schacht, a Freemason Templar agent working on behalf of London and Wall Street, worked closely with Owen Young and with the Central bank of England. It was Schacht who wrote a letter to the German president directing him to appoint Hitler as the chancellor of Germany.

Schacht was also a central figure in the establishment of a new Bank of the World known as the Bank for International Settlements. This bank was created to allow the large sums of money being used to fund Hitler to be transferred internationally without detection. The creation of the bank became necessary after US Congressman Louis Mcfadden began exposing in Congress how the Templar bankers were funding Hitler. The Bank for International Settlements is a private enterprise, accountable to no government. It is never audited and pays no taxes. Anything which takes place inside the walls of the bank is legal, including rape and murder, because it is subject to the laws of no nation. Nearly 100 years later, most people on earth are still unaware the bank exists.

So the men who brought Hitler to power, funded his entire movement, while profiting from the interest bearing loans, and from manufacturing all the war material, also used their massive media platforms, first to build up Hitler as the saviour of Germany, as they funded his rise, and then later, when they were ready to kick off the war, the propaganda was reversed to portray Hitler as the world’s greatest villain. It is for this reason, no one today has a clue about the real causes of World War 1 and 2. School textbooks simply printed and repeated what the media had been reporting about events in Europe.

A total genocide of the innocent German people was being planned.

A Counter-Reformation war of revenge, for Germany’s longstanding resistance to the Jesuit/Templar conquests, but primarily for the long term damage caused by the Reformation. The plan for world conquest was delayed for centuries by the Reformation.    The largest war in world history was designed to completely obliterate Germany, and to drive the Jewish population from Germany into Palestine. With the whole thing to be blamed squarely on the Germans.

There is no such thing a German Nazi.  No Nazi party ever existed in Germany.  The word Nazi was a slur used by the western press as a backhanded way of letting the world know that it was actually the Nazis, the descendants of the Pharisees who were the real Nazis planning world conquest, while being manipulated by their Jesuit-Templar handlers.

They even went as far as faking and distributing a map of Hitler’s plans for conquest. Ivar Bryce, a British intelligence agent reveals in his book You Only Live Once, how he and other agents created the fake map which was used to dupe the Americans into joining the war. The fake map was pivotal in luring the Americans in.

The Templar corporations in Germany which were producing the war materials were never bombed during the entire war.   This allowed Germany to keep manufacturing weapons for years as the war dragged on. These would obviously have been the first targets if the goal had ever been to end the war or to stop Germany.     Germany’s manufacturing power could have been stopped within a few hours if the Allies had actually wanted to end the war.

And these companies also remained in business after the war, and some still exist today. Hitler was nothing more than a pawn. He had no power until the money and IG Farben were at his disposal. He was in completely over his head and had no idea what he was up against, surrounded on all sides: By the bankers funding his movement and building his war machine, by the US, France and Britain pushing for war, and by advisors like Goring steering him into the trap. Never in Hitler’s life did he make a statement about conquest of any country on earth, with the exception of restoring the German territories which had been taken from Germany after WW1.   No statement or writing of this nature can be found or has ever existed.

It was all fiction created by the Zionist press for the purpose of exterminating the German civilians, and creating conditions to move Jews from Europe into Palestine.

And they did exactly that.

A worldwide holocaust was unleashed, against not only German people, but people of German ancestry anywhere in the world.

Not the fictional holocaust, which is used to cover up the real reasons for the war, and is taught in western schools and enforced at gunpoint in many countries. The real holocaust of World War 2.

First, air strikes were carried out across Germany, not against military or munitions targets, but against women and children in non-combat areas.

In a single night of these raids, more German innocent civilians were killed, than British troops were killed in combat during the entire war. Millions of Germans who survived were forced into slavery across Europe, under the guise of paying war reparations for a war that had, for a second time been forced on them. Incredibly, innocent American civilians who had German ancestry were rounded up inside the United States and placed in concentration camps.  Thousands more in Central and South America were rounded up, and sent to the American camps.

In Germany, Germans were forced from their homes, and relocated into Stalin controlled areas, where they were tortured, raped in public and butchered, including children and infants. It was as horrific as anything in human history, paralleled only by what the Zionists had done to Russia 20 years earlier.

Nearly 20 million German civilians were displaced from their homes, and most ended up in concentration camps where they were packed in shoulder to shoulder and kept there day and night until they dropped dead from exhaustion, exposure or starvation.

HATE was the sole driving force. Try to think of conflicts in history driven purely by hate.  There are not many. Usually land and resources are in dispute. Rarely does a major conflict unfold solely because one group of people has this much hate for the other.

Germany Must Perish.

Like Everything Marxist, where good is evil, up is down, and truth is fiction, the stories you have been told about World War 2 are the precise opposite of what took place. The holocaust was against the Germans, who were completely innocent, and it was planned years in advance.

To complete the plan for Jerusalem, the 6 decades of reporting that 6 million Jews were in danger in Russia,

and then in danger in the “war zone,” was finally transferred to Germany.    But this time the 6 million were not in danger, they had dropped dead.

The first media reports that 6 million had died came not from Germany, not even from Europe, but from a settlement of European Jews living in Palestine.  In January 1944, Zionist leaders put forth a claim of hearsay, that they had been told by a Jewish refugee in Palestine, who had traveled there from Poland, that 6 million Jews were dead in Europe. His name was Eliezer Ungar.  

And even though that number amazingly matched the exact same number of endangered Jews 60 yrs earlier in Russia in the 1880’s and even though it matched the post-World War 1 count who were in danger “across Europe,” no one bothered to ask him how he could possibly know this figure or where he got the count. Instead, based on the alleged hearsay from this refugee, who had no means of knowing what he was talking about, the socialist newspaper Haaretz in Palestine published the claim that 6 million Jews were suddenly dead.   

Then on January 23rd, 1944 the Palestine Post published an utterly preposterous propaganda piece claiming that a refugee told them the death count was 6 million, and the last word breathed by the dying 6 million was revenge, and that those still living were begging to be taken to Palestine.

(It was unclear if the 6 million died simultaneously and all said the word revenge together, or if they each said it separately before dying. Also unclear was who heard them say it to relay this story. It also made no sense that a dying person would say “revenge,” since they would be dead and unable to take revenge, but it would make perfect sense if the story were a fictional excuse for living people to attack Germans.)

At the time, no one paid any attention since the story was so ridiculous, and because it was based on no evidence, simply hearsay. Nine months passed.

Then in November 1944, several American newspapers including the Palm Beach Post, the Pittsburgh Press, and the Youngstown Vindicator, all printed a bizarre story claiming that a 5-volume black book was being prepared which would document and detail the murder of 6 million Jews by the Germans. Important to note was that these publications did not report that anyone had been killed.   They reported only that a claim had surfaced, and that a book on the subject was being prepared to prove that it happened.

So who was preparing the book?  

The book was being prepared by Ilya Ehrenhburg the head of Joseph Stalin’s Soviet State controlled propaganda ministry.

A man who is best known for authoring the paper entitled Kill, in which he stated, that a day in which a German had not been killed was a day wasted.

Is this a reliable source to believe without any evidence that Germany had secretly killed 6 million people? One of the most racist men who ever lived, and who hated Germans perhaps more than any person in recorded history?

For years Ehrenburg had been instrumental in stoking blind hatred against the Germans and publishing propaganda across the Soviet Union. He was blamed by Germans for the rape fest of German women that took place in Soviet controlled territories. Also reported to be working with Ehrenberg on the book of proof of the 6 million, was Vasily Grossman.   Grossman was another expert propagandist was known for fabricating absurd stories about Germans with superhuman strength ripping children in half in front of crowds.

The alleged black book of documentation did not appear in 1944 or in 1945. Instead Ehrenburg kept repeating the 6 million claims in the Soviet propaganda arms: The Soviet War News and Pravda.

So this is the origin of the holocaust story we are told every single day in the west.  The man responsible for bringing the Holocaust story to the world is Ilya Ehlenburg.  

Although there are several other contenders, a good argument could be made that Ehrenburg was the most evil person who ever lived.   There is a very small handful of people responsible for a greater number of deaths than Ehrenburg, but no one spoke publicly with more racially motivated blind hatred or desire to kill innocent people.   

The story finally took hold in the west on January 8 1945, after the New York Times ran a story, still without a shred of evidence.

The story cited only a guesstimate made by yet another Soviet propagandist, Jacob Lestchinsky, a Marxist revolutionary who had helped the Zionists overthrow Russia and install the Soviet government 2 decades earlier.  Lestchinsky allegedly had repeated the claim that 6 million European Jews were dead. And the Times felt this was newsworthy.

You will never see any content in the modern media or schools about what the Zionists did to 80 million German and Russian Christians in the 20th century. Only a non-stop relentless bombardment of Holocaust propaganda, perhaps even more relentless than the bombardment of women and children in the German cities.  

Since since the original stories about the 6 million have been proven to be false, and no evidence ever existed in support of the 6 million story in the first place, today the story is propped up by the constant media propaganda, by a variety of hoaxes, or simply by enforcing the story at gunpoint. Fictional characters were created, such as Anne Frank and her fake diary, which (oops) was written in ball point pen, which was not available till long after the war, proving that it was written at a later date to prop up the holocaust story.  

The most effective method has been banning holocaust skepticism. Something which would certainly be unnecessary if the story were true, but mandatory if it were fabricated.

The biggest problem for the Marxist fiction writers was the Red Cross report. The Red Cross was present throughout the war in all of the German camps, and their detailed report contains not a single mention of a gas chamber, an oven, or a killing in any of the camps. Also, both the Red Cross and the Germans, who are known for meticulous record keeping, each kept detailed records, separately. Any deaths in the camps were recorded. The two sets of records show very similar numbers.

In ALL the camps combined the Red Cross recorded 271,000 deaths, with the largest number from an outbreak of typhus near the end of the war, and a smaller number from starvation after the Allied bombings cut off German supply lines.  The Germans recorded a slightly higher number, 282,000 total.

The holocaust story received another boost after the war from the Nuremberg trials, where fake confessions of war crimes were extracted from German military officials using torture. The fake confessions were then used as evidence in a fake court, followed by real executions. The Soviets were famous for show trials with confessions extracted under torture, followed by public execution spectacles. The executions at the Nuremburg trials were war crimes themselves.   

The court was not actually a court but a TV set, it had no authority or jurisdiction, and the trials were a TV Show.

Nahum Goldman, president of the world Zionist Organization and founder of the World Jewish Congress makes several shocking admissions in a book, admissions which are delivered boastfully almost as if gloating over how easily the public was deceived. He states that:

1. The idea for the Nurmeburg trials came from the Temple District in London.

2. It was very difficult to get the Allied countries on board with it.

3. That the state of Israel was built with German money and capital, and would have been impossible, first, without the Nuremberg hoax and second, without the future reparation money which it generated.

4. That the plan to use German reparation money to settle Palestine was formulated BEFORE WORLD WAR 2 EVEN STARTED. (Another of many proofs that the war was carefully planned in advance for this purpose.)

After Nuremberg, the propaganda reports began to claim that the so-called Nazis had actually confessed to killing 6 million Jews, not reporting however that the confessions were extracted under torture, making them invalid.

The real purpose of the German camps: They were IG Farben Labor camps, to keep the Zionist war machine going and make sure their profits didn’t dwindle.

The trains actually relocated around 340,000 people total, many of whom were Russian POWs, and some who were Jews who had been convicted of crimes in Germany.   They were well fed and had medical and dental care, as well as recreational activities and entertainments.   And camps for a perceived enemy population is no different from what most countries do in wartime.  Just ask FDR.

Forgotten today is that the holocaust took place in the 1800s in Russia, and again during World War I in Europe.  It was only transferred to Germany when the Zionists developed the final solution for relocating European Jews into Palestine.

This is the reason for all the laws preventing discussion of the Holocaust. Because the holocaust is the cover-up for the greatest crime in the history of the world: the 2 World Wars and their aftermath, which were used by the Allied leaders and their Templar handlers to secure control of Jerusalem.  

The state of Israel was created on the corpses of 80 million Russian and German people, using the German reparation funds. And the holocaust lie was the turning point. Finally they succeeded in convincing many Jews in Europe that they were unsafe in Christian nations, and to head for Palestine.  

The holocaust is still celebrated to this day as the pivotal moment in history, which secured Jerusalem for the Templars once and for all.  The reigning bloodline King of Jerusalem will sometimes make appearances at Holocaust commemorative events.

As soon as the second world war had ended, the Templars had a new war ready to begin.

A knight named Winston Churchill was a heavy-set, script-reading yes-man, unwanted by his parents and bullied as child, making him an ideal leader for the pre-planned genocide of the Germans. And he was also the druid selected after the war to read to the public the script for a new permanent war.   Churchill, who had just finished meeting with Stalin at the Yalta conference and signing over half of Europe to Stalin, now suddenly pretends Stalin is a grave threat to all of humanity, and a new war against “communism” must begin.

He shockingly admits that everything the Allies and the media had accused Hitler of for the past 15 years, has now actually just been done by the Allied leader Stalin. Oops.

He admits that the largest war in history was an utter failure, as Europe is in much more dire straits now than before the war, and that the greatest monster in history, Stalin was now on the loose seeking out Christians to eat. Churchill forgets to mention that it was the communist Allied leader FDR who armed the communist Allied leader Stalin.

But Churchill offers a two fold solution.

Building a Temple. And Uniting all the Nations.

The same goals his order has been working on since the Tower of Babel. Churchill in his speech even makes a reference to the tower of Babel.   He claims that the safety of the world lies in uniting the nations and getting this temple built, and he also offers a threat of a 3rd world war if these Templar goals are not met.

He ends by saying this new United Nations should be faithfully adhered to. The word faith was chosen carefully as the United Nations is to be a religious organization with a goal of paving the way for the construction of a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem.  On the United Nations World Goodwill site, it states that there exists a secret inner government of the world, led by enlightened beings known by names such as The Spiritual Hierarchy, or The Illumined Minds, who are also known as the CHRIST.   

Did you learn in 5th grade civics that the world was secretly governed by a hierarchy of spiritually illuminated ones calling themselves the Christ?   Probably not. Because the curriculum you were taught was created by the United Nations. The UN website also explicitly states, that this so-called Christ WILL NOT be the Christ of Christianity, who comes to divide, to separate, and to call people out of the world, in fact this Christ will be quite the opposite.

THIS Christ will be inclusive of all people, all religions, the worship of all gods and will not require faith or repentance of sin. It will be a new world religion, unlike any other. This was the central purpose of the creation of the United Nations, according to the people who created it.

The logo appearing on Alice Bailey’s books, is the same symbol appearing on the Lucifer trust Website. Meanwhile the logo of the all inclusive world religion was placed on the flag of the new Kingdom of Jerusalem.

The United Nations, under the guidance of the inner circle of Jesuit monastic illuminists has been issuing global governance directives ever since. Countries are still permitted to play games and put on elections, but only to choose between pre-selected globalist candidates. The important decision are made within the unelected UN agencies. Meanwhile citizens continue to imagine they are governing themselves.

For the last several decades, whether you realize it or not, the UN has had a great deal of influence over what you eat, how you travel, what is taught in schools, what information is disseminated by the media, what politicians promote, how healthcare is administered, what energy sources you can and cant use, and how police forces are armed and trained. All of their programs relating to food, energy and climate are to help the corporate interests that control them to create artificial scarcity and monopolize all global resources.  

But the UN’s most important mission is preparing the minds of the people for a world government, which once in place and too powerful to oppose, will then be revealed as a world religion.

The UN’s Robert muller stated: “We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government; a one-world religion; under a one-world leader.”

Muller created the World Core Curriculum and is known as the father of global education.  The goal of a state controlled education described in The New Atlantis, part of a much older plan, was finally being realized on a global scale.

John Dewey, who may have been the most influential educator of the 20th century helped establish a progressive, Marxist public education with a focus on eliminating faith in God, removing God from education, and establishing fake science as the new god, with its priests as the highest authority known to man. Fixed principles of morality were to be eliminated in favor of an ever changing morality which could be adapted to match the political climate.  Grades, achievement, and competitiveness were to be done away with.  Everyone was to be educated to be equally inept, incompetent, and confused, and therefore incapable of opposing the prison cell being constructed around them. (And with God removed from the picture, incapable of understanding who was doing it and why.) The plan was to remake the education system the each country in the exact model they had installed in the Soviet Union.

A study was financed by the Carnegie Foundation, named for Andrew Carnegie, who allegedly became the worlds richest man after selling his company to JP Morgan. (Students today who mindlessly gobble up all things Marxist, may want to ask themselves, why would the worlds richest men want a Soviet Style education system?) The Carnegie Study, produced in 1934 concluded that the American Education must be remade in the Soviet model, with a top-down education, and every child stripped of any connection to God, family or country in preparation for blind acceptance of world government.

Columbia professor George Counts stated that it was the responsibility of the education system to instill a Marxist class hatred and envy among the youth as part of the process of turning them against their families and countries. Is that clear enough for you, young 21st century Marxists who imagine yourselves as enlightened and progressive?   You are programmed and brainwashed. The ideas you think are so revolutionary and original were implanted in your head by a Luciferian religious order, consisting of the wealthiest men who have ever lived, for the purpose of monopolizing all industry and destabilizing society to make way for their universal religion to be established and imposed.

In 1947, the Truman administration issued a report entitled Higher Education For American Democracy. The report recommended implementing the United Nations educational blueprint inside the United States. It stated that the United States Office of Education must be prepared to work with the US State Department and with UNESCO, the arm of the UN tasked with preparing children for World Government and World Religion.

A UNESCO study, Towards World Understanding outlined the details of the global program for properly brainwashing children in schools to turn against their countries and the families, and embrace global government run by an invisible elite.

Education was remade. Teachers unions were formed to unite and control the teachers, and to act as political advocates, promoting all UN Policies in all cases at all times, usually in direct opposition to the beliefs of the teachers themselves, and ALWAYS in direct opposition to what was best for children.   Students were taught never to think, but to unquestioningly accept and recite data, including the volumes of fake science and history. Standardized tests were formed, to test students receptiveness to the programming, and ability to unquestioningly regurgitate data. High School graduates in the 21st century are the exact product envisioned by the UN world religionists.

Bella Dodd, an American school teacher who was lured into the communist movement, and later escaped and recovered, wrote a book detailing how the movement infiltrated and took over the entire educational system in America, how it was funded by a very wealthy and powerful but invisible force, how it used, consumed and discarded every person involved, after selling them on utopian dreams of brotherhood and unity, and how it chose the least intelligent and least qualified people for the highest positions of power, to assure they would be easily controlled and carry out orders. Often these people would be suddenly and rapidly promoted seemingly from nowhere.

A critical aspect of the Muller UN program of deliberately dumbing down students was teaching them fake science, to place them in an imaginary world disconnected from reality, where they could be guided to believe just about anything. Muller himself was trained by the most prominent science faker of all time, Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.   Chardin, a gnostic and eugenicist, was responsible for BOTH the Peking Hoax and the Piltdown Hoax. In his book Christianity and Evolution, Chardin attempted to discredit the Bible and proclaim “science” as the new authority, (now that Jesuit fake science had officially refuted the Bible.) In the book, Teilhard cant help but reveal his true motivation behind both this book and the scientific fakery:  To make way for the leader of his universal religion to take the throne.

Another Jesuit priest developed the Big Bang Theory, which was dismissed by real scientists at the time as comically unscientific.   

The Merovingian Jew Edwin Hubble was also a student of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Under Chardin’s guidance, Hubble wondered aloud if the brightness of a star could indicate its distance from earth. But with no mean of testing this, his curiosity was of little value. Experienced astronomers dismissed his musings, but Hubble was showered with Templar awards and fawning press coverage, and claims that his work confirmed Lemaitre’s bang theory.

After decades of repeating the same lies, the media and academia have convinced the public that the bang theory is “science’s” best attempt to explain the origin of matter. Even though many experts continue to point out the absurdity of it all.

The purpose of these fake scientific theories was never to prove them to be true, which is impossible, but to put forth ideas which are difficult to disprove and which would create doubts about the Bible;  To create alternative possibilities which don’t require the existence of God. And then direct funding and publicity only to sources which promote the fake science.   Today, if you don’t follow the guidelines of this religion, and attempt to practice the scientific method, you are subject to ridicule, defunding, and restricted from advancement in your field of study.

Repetition and ridicule are used to protect and defend the scientific fakery, publishing it in fake science journals with an eternal drumbeat of repetition, pounding the same lies into your head thousands of times till you subconsciously accept it. It is all gnostic, Jesuit gobbledygook.

Today these images seem laughable with most people aware of how fake it all is, but for decades people actually believed this nonsense. It was so effective because no one believed that anyone would or could have any reason to make these things up and lie about them.

The same methods are used with the climate hoax; Completely 100% fictional, fraudulent science is produced by the sorcerers of Magog and published and proclaimed from every rooftop. Like everything Marxist, the climate change hoax is designed to eliminate competition, consolidate control and create monopolies, (seize the means of production) aka transfer enormous sums of wealth and natural resources in the hands of global mega corporations, at the expense of the common working man, while publicly claiming you are doing the opposite. Pile on new regulations and controls, which forces the smaller producers out of business, creating monopolies for the largest.

The Bible is filled with examples showing that the earth and everything in it are for us, to rule over, to use, to enjoy. And that we are made in the image of God. Because of this, they want you to believe you are an accident, a plague, and a cancer on the earth. Then you will willingly accept being stripped of your rights and property.

The fake science onslaught also transformed medical care from healing and wellness, to keeping people sick and medicated, which can generate never ending profit. To accomplish this, it was first necessary to eliminate competition and consolidate control over the medical industry. Natural and herbal medicinal remedies which are highly effective and often inexpensive had been in use for millenia.   After the discovery that synthetic petroleum based medicines could be created inexpensively and sold at enormous profits margins, a Standard Oil/Rockefeller funded report was published attacking any form of medical care that involved natural remedies.

Known as the Flexner Report, it was submitted to the US Congress and recommended eliminating of hundreds of medical schools and centralizing control over what was taught, to eliminate opposition to the use of the new chemical treatments that were being introduced. Within 25 years of the report, roughly half of the medical schools in the US were eliminated. The remaining schools were forced to drop the majority of their training programs in order to keep their accreditation and funding. New training programs were issued and mandated which promoted chemical vaccination as “modern” medicine. Although schools resisted the changes, the schools that readily complied were offered not only enormous grants from the chemical giants, but fawning publicity campaigns portraying them as leaders in “modern medicine.”  These donations were reported as “philanthropy” and generosity, rather than the bribes they were. Schools which resisted became the targets of smear campaigns. In some cases doctors were jailed for using natural treatments that had been reliable for centuries.  Many doctors disappeared or turned up dead. Gradually, every single medical school enacted the changes, as more experienced faculty were dismissed, and replaced with younger more impressionable minds.

Healthcare was transformed from prevention and general wellness to chemical treatment of disease. Medicine became first and foremost a petrochemical business. New drugs were rapidly developed and patented, with monopolies granted on their production, and then doctors were coerced to prescribe them no matter how horrific the side effects.   Schools trained new doctors on the amazing benefits of all these breakthrough drugs. The 1939 Cancer Act in the UK banned advertising naturopathic methods for treating cancer. The ban remains in place today even as some doctors have near 100% success rates at treating cancer with green diet and detoxification regimens. Instead, deadly radiation chemotherapy treatments are used, which can generate hundreds of thousands, or millions of dollars in revenue on a single patient.

Today after 100 years of propaganda funded by the pharmaceutical giants, natural medicines, although far more effective and with far fewer side effects are immediately thought of as quaint, outdated treatment methods that deserve ridicule. And the pharmaceutical companies no longer have to wait for you to get sick, creating deadly diseases is a significant portion of their budget, and they have it down to a science.

The deliberate destruction of science and education marched on. One of Pierre de Teilhard Chardin’s students, Henri de Lubac, another Jesuit priest, played a key role in the second Vatican Council, or Vatican II.

At this council, the Catholic church finally removed the mask and pretense of being Christian, and publicly moved toward the all-inclusive universal UN world religion described by the word Catholic. In preparation for the final merging of all religions, the Vatican announced, in direction opposition to scripture, that Jews were no longer responsible for the death of Jesus, and that the sin of killing Jesus had now been forgiven by the pope, as if the pope had authority to forgive sin. The pope calling himself John XXIII issued an alarming statement in which he pretended to speak on behalf of “Christianity,” and pretended to apologize and call Christian people blind, while calling the European Jews God’s chosen people.

He claimed that the mark of Cain is on Christians and labeled Jews as Abel, in direct reversal the Bible, which presents the Jews who killed Jesus, as Cain killing their own brother out of envy, and Jesus who made a perfect sacrifice represented by Abel. The pope claimed that the fictional holocaust should be blamed on “Christians,” and compared it to the crucifixion of Jesus.

Catholics, Protestants and Muslims were outraged. To appease them the Vatican claimed that they were doing it to change with the times. The Pope then announced that the Catholic church from now on would welcome all religions in another step toward uniting all religions under the model described by the UN, and again directly counter to the Bible.

It created an outcry among the Arab world, as they saw the obvious Zionist influence over these bizarre public announcements, which had major political implications, even though the Vatican claimed to be non-political. Egyptian officials correctly observed that Vatican 2 was a Zionist plot.

John XXIII is the the same pope who is best known for issuing an order to all Catholic bishops around the world to cover up the sex crimes which take place in every Catholic church. It is not any coincidence that thousands of cases of pedophilia have been discovered within the church, it is a requirement upon joining this order, that each one is compromised in this way to ensure their allegiance.  

After Vatican 2, a gala was held in New York to celebrate the public repudiation of the Bible and its followers. In attendance was Abraham Heschel, the mystic and kabbalist with bloodline connections going back to the pharisees and the Sanhedrin, as well as many prominent Merovingian Jews including Nelson Rockefeller, and, in case anyone didn’t understand what Vatican II was really about, the heads of the United Nations were in attendance.

So the richest men in the world, who are simultaneously funding the elimination of science and history from education, creating 2 massive world wars to cover up the theft of Palestine, while also funding the takeover and replacement of medicine with their petrochemicals, are now also celebrating the merging of religions, exactly as outlined by the UN founders, the Temple described by Churchill in his post war speech. A Temple for a new christ, the christ of gnosticism, the light bearer.

After Vatican II the Jesuits unleashed an army of fake Protestant preachers to seed the world with corrupted Biblical scripture and with pro-state-of-Israel political propaganda.

These intelligence agents were masterful deceivers, subtly inserting elements of their gnostic, materialist religion into the church.

They convinced tens of millions of Americans to support the new state of “Israel.”

The Jesuit agents have been working to lure Christians into various occult traps since the start of the counter reformation – traps such as Mormonism, where the freemason Joseph Smith, a sorcerer, Kabbalist and temple builder, began convincing people that they could become gods if they followed him. He led a group of Christians away from the Bible and into the wilderness where he established settlements, built temples, and created a sort of earthly kingdom for himself, in which he was permitted to have sexual relationships with dozens of women and children.

To this day the heads of the Mormon church continue the tradition of carrying out their sexual fantasies with children, while duped followers go to temples filled with occult symbols, participate in masonic rituals, and make massive payments to the cult leaders. The followers are sworn to secrecy about what goes on in the temple. Most followers are completely unaware of the cult’s origins, with the exception, of course, of the leadership, all of whom are high ranking Masons. The bad news if you are Mormon, is that you will not become gods if you follow church orders; that is ordinary, everyday Luciferian gnoscticism, and you have wasted countless quantities of time and money.

The good news if you are Mormon, is that most Mormons are generally good people, and they do believe in Jesus Christ, so they may end up being saved, while only the leadership of the church is doomed. But you must immediately get out of the church, stop giving money to them, stop wearing secret underwear, and stop going to the temple God said not to build.

In the decades following the creation of the Zionist state, every single country in the Middle East was attacked numerous times, regime changed, and their civilians massacred by the new state of Israel.

Nearly all attacks against Israel since its founding have been organized by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, who creates and organizes anti-Israel terrorist cells in surrounding countries, arming them with American supplied weapons and training, then carrying out attacks which are used in the media as justification for invasions by Israel and further encroachments and confiscation of land and resources.  

The citizens of Israel are not responsible for these crimes against humanity, they are pawns in this game, completely unaware of how they are being used, and of the history of how their families were duped into moving into this region. If any country in the Middle East forms resistance and elects a nationalist leader, he will be subject to a propaganda onslaught in the west, accused of atrocities, and deposed and replaced with an Israeli controlled asset.  All of it is funded by the United States, and ever since the creation of the state of Israel the United States has been in free fall.

The purpose of the U.S. was completed when World War 2 ended and Jerusalem was once again secured.  The freedoms in America were only permitted till the country became powerful enough to secure control of Jerusalem with no country able to oppose it. The US was brought in to finish off 2 wars that had nothing to do with the US. From that point forward, the US has been rapidly dismantled. 

The same process used to eliminate resistance in the countries surrounding Israel, has been used to some degree in every country on earth, to place controlled leaders in charge who will help strip away all rights and freedoms, and keep the people at gunpoint and starving while their resources are looted and countries depopulated.

The largest prey taken down using this system was China, which the Jesuits had worked to infiltrate and overthrow since the moment the Jesuit order was created.   Their opium trade had devastated China for several decades, before the Chinese finally banned opium.  In response, a series of violent attacks were carried out against China, and they were forced at gunpoint to allow the opium trade. This created great hostility and resentment toward the Jesuits/Templars, and resulted in the Boxer Rebellion at the end of the 19th century, when Chinese executed thousands of Jesuit priests and Chinese converts to Catholicism.  

It was time to put an end to Chinese resistance and nationalism once and for all. The organization Yale in China was formed, and disguised initially as a religious charitable organization, but in reality it was a base to spread and install Marxism among the youth of China, training them to hate themselves, their countries, their families and all tradition. This was to put an end to nationalistic pride and allow for easier conquest without resistance. Follow the trail of the serpent to understand these events: The Templar Elihu Yale, was in charge of the East India Company’s India operations, and the opium was sent from India to China. He is the slave trader who Yale university is named after.  

A relative of his, Cyrus Yale, was the grandfather of Horace Tracy Pitkin, another Yale, who was killed by Chinese rebels during the Boxer Rebellion. The Yale in China organization was then created in honor of the memory of Pitkin, and Communism was the revenge taken against China for their resistance to the Crown Templar conquest. Suddenly a “spontaneous” movement was underway in China, driven by collectivism, envy, hatred and class warfare. An army of brainwashed youth formed groups & coalitions, and marched in opposition to anything and everything in general, without a clue what they were actually seeking, or who was manipulating them.

Many of the same men who had created the Russian Revolution to help the Templars overthrow Russia and establish Communism there, had traveled to China to repeat the process. Once China was subjugated, the Templars moved in to loot the resources. China bravely defended against the onslaught, but after World War 2, the Communist party in China was assisted by both Stalin, (who had been funded by the United States,) and directly by the United States, with over a billion dollars in aid sent directly to China.

Children in China became the property of the state and were brainwashed as soon as they could walk.  All loyalty was to the state, and children were trained to report their parents to authorities for any statements out of line with party propaganda.  Many people were executed after being reported to authorities by their own children.

Notably, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Peking Man Hoax was instrumental in brainwashing the Chinese to doubt the value of human life and to see themselves as little more than animals. As a result cannibalism became a sport for the Communist party elites, and the only means of survival for many of the peasants.   

Events were held where political opponents were executed and eaten in front of an audience.

60 to 80 million people were killed under Mao’s communist regime. He received regular instruction from his Zionist handlers on how to keep China enslaved, while they established massive resource looting operations and transferred manufacturing operations there. Today China serves as a sort of giant slave army working for the international corporations, for just enough wages to keep them alive and productive, with strict government controls over speech and dissent.

These methods being used were first tested back in the early 1600’s, when the Jesuits in Paraguay established missions known as “reductions,” and enslaved local natives using deception. Every nation on earth is now in some phase of the process to be placed under this system of rule.  If a nation manages to free themselves temporarily, the process to re-enslave them will continue.

While they used to go to war and physically attack each location, they realized the most efficient method was not war, but to heavily arm and install a puppet government, whose job was to keep the citizens at gunpoint and prevent uprisings, while the countries’ resources were looted by Crown corporations.   In exchange, the puppet regime received a share of the loot, and a life of luxury.    When ever possible these puppet dictators were installed for life. The size of the investment in installing the puppet regime, would depend on the potential wealth to be gained from the resources being targeted.  In areas with larger populations or better resistance, it took more time to replace the government.

Instead of war, nations were influenced to essentially commit suicide, allowing their governments to be easily toppled and replaced. Extensive propaganda campaigns were used in the period leading up to the regime change of the existing government, to turn people against their own countries, and to create the appearance of widespread dissatisfaction and a need for “change.” This was often easy to do, as most governments are highly corrupt by nature.

Using planted street agitators, a coalition would be rounded up, consisting of young people without a purpose, labor, students, and any potentially disenfranchised group or minority. This group would be used to create the appearance of grass roots opposition. The people who fell into the propaganda trap and turned against their countries became known as useful idiots, completely unaware that their suicidal views had been carefully crafted and programmed by globalist corporate resource looting interests.

At the same time propaganda is used to portray all business interests as the eternal enemy: the evil rich who must be relentlessly attacked and destroyed.  But in practice, the real rich are never touched. Only organic, national and local business interests are attacked to eliminate competition and help the foreign looting interests consolidate and monopolize markets, usually thru carefully crafted, targeted restrictions and regulations. This process of international business destroying competition from national business is known as seizing the means of production.   All attempts to defend agains the movement are treated as “nationalism” which is presented by the propagandists as the epitome of evil and racism.

Then after military removal of the existing regime, or through sham elections, the propaganda is shifted to make it appear that the new dictator’s regime is popular and beloved by the masses. The resource looting operations are then established with no obstacles, and any dissent is met with the most brutal suppression possible.

The useful idiots are assured they are in power now, and everything is wonderful. Meanwhile the nation is quickly impoverished, and the economy gutted by the loss of its economic engine, and its most valuable trading assets.  Every word from the new regime is nearly always the exact 100% opposite of the truth. In fact, people in victim countries have observed that it is actually not difficult to understand what is going on, by simply reversing everything the regime says.

Many countries subject to similar attacks, especially in Central and South America became referred to as Banana Republics, after many of the governments were toppled and replaced with puppet regimes working for foreign companies that were stealing and exporting their fruit. When US intelligence involvement in the attacks was exposed, the public was given opposite-speak, claiming that the government being toppled was “communist,” and the new one was democratic. Various labels are used to identify or refer to such regimes, socialism, communism, state capitalism, corporatism, corporatocracy, cronyism, crony capitalism, and a variety of other labels to cloud the fact that all are slight variations of the same resource looting operation. Sometimes one system is replaced by another, and the labels change but the international corporations stealing the resources are never touched.

In many cases, to curtail or eliminate the forming of opposition, food supplies are cut off or confiscated, and mass starvation occurs.

This system has been used to some degree against every nation on earth, and today every nation is in some stage of this cancer, depending on its ability to defend against it.

Today, leftist ideologies are presented to starry eyed students as the method by which the evil rich are heroically overthrown by the poor, when reality it is the ultra rich eliminating the working class making everyone poor, defenseless and dependent.

The 21st century refinement on this system is a global state religion known as climate change. All national competition for the international looters of energy resources, will be severely limited or shutdown, paving the way for global monopolies on every form of energy and food production. This will largely be accomplished by preventing all nations from accessing their own energy resources, and letting the existing international energy interests consolidate the control they have and impose unlimited new Marxist regulations over every aspect of society.   As the regulations pile up, and national business interests fail, prices and profits skyrocket for the global corporate interests.

After taking down the large prey of Russia, Germany, and China & in the first half of the 20th century, the process was repeated all over Africa, Central and South America, and Southeast Asia throughout the 1970’s and 80’s.  

The United States has presented a much larger challenge, with a large Bible believing population who are much less susceptible to propaganda.   But the goal is the same: Create an army of clueless, disconnected, disoriented animal-like peasants who have no awareness of their history or surroundings, and who can be manipulated to do or believe LITERALLY ANYTHING.

Posing as anti-religion, these movements are by and for the most religious fanatics who have ever lived. Their god is the state, and unquestioning loyalty and submission is required at all times.

God’s laws established property rights. So they must erase them. This is where we are today.

God divided the nations and languages, they want to unite them all and eliminate borders. They have formed a world army, world bank, world courts, and they will gradually begin transferring things to Jerusalem. What is so important to them about Jerusalem? They need it for their deception, if they are to deceive the whole world with their coming false messiah. Since the state of Israel was formed, they have been working on making Jerusalem an international city. Publicly, the Vatican has occasionally performed theatrics to pretend to oppose the State of Israel, but quietly they work together toward the long range objectives.

Never listen to what they say, and always watch what they do. A temple for their messiah, who will make worship mandatory. The real Messiah allows you freedom to choose. This false Jesus will require worship.  It will be the law.

And what will it look like under mandatory religion? The same as it did in the past. Their system of rule will be based on the Noahide laws.  They have reinstated the Sanhedrin – the same body which ordered the murder of Jesus Christ – to impose on all nations, the murder of anyone who follows him.   They will claim that their religion is monotheistic, and worship of any god besides theirs is idol worship, with the design being to prevent the worship of Jesus.

The penalty for worship of Jesus will be death by beheading.

This is what globalism is and has always been about. This is the REAL purpose behind setting up world government, and eliminating nationalism and borders and freedoms, and placing the world under these Talmudic laws which ban worship of the true God.

During the Bush administration in 1991, a joint resolution was signed by the US Congress stating that the United States was founded on the Noahide laws. (It was?) The resolution was signed, along with a tribute to the genocidal Menachem Schneerson, the founder of the Talmudic Chabad movement and one of the worst men who ever lived. Other Merovingian presidential puppets in addition to Bush have also been required to offer absurd tribute statements to Schneerson and the Noahide laws.

If the similarities between and Judaism and Islam seem endless, it is because the Noahide laws can be found in Islam, or more accurately, the origins of Islam can be found in the Noahide laws. These laws appear in the Quran, and interestingly, the advanced degrees of Freemasonry also reveal to Masons that the secret religion of Masonry is not Christianity, but Islam. Masons graduate from the Bible to the Quran. At the lower degrees, the pretense is held that Freemasonry is a Christian organization. Upon reaching the 32nd degree, it is revealed to a Mason that Lucifer is god, and the Bible is replaced with the Quran, at which time the Mason is eligible to become a shriner. This progression through the degrees is symbolized as a rough stone becoming chiseled into a smooth stone. In the same way the state is thought of as being the perfected smooth stone, and the people being the rough and uncut imperfect stone.

God said touching his stones with a tool polluted them, indicating that a rough stone is already perfect the way God created it. This is why the United Nations has a prayer room, dedicated to the the false god who is worshiped under many names, and represented by a smoothed black stone, instead of the one true God. The statement by Muller is the key to understanding this movement. It is NOT A HUMAN inspired movement. That is how it has survived all these centuries, even as the people involved come and go. It is the culmination of the New Atlantis imagined by Francis Bacon, The City of God by St Augustine and the Tower of Babel.

How does such a tiny group of men control so many world leaders, celebrities and people in influential positions? Using entrapment. A sex slave service is used to entrap any person who is rising in wealth or fame. They are invited to celebrity parties, given drinks with drugs in them, and then approached and seduced by women, who are actually underage but don’t appear to be. An encounter is filmed without their knowledge and used to blackmail them into a much larger trap, one from which they will never escape. Many survivors who were used as sex slaves have described how these traps are created.

The target is then presented with two choices. One is an extremely lucrative promotion or business opportunity, far beyond anything they have ever achieved.  If accepted, he will owe favors to his new creditors.   At the same time he is presented with the photo or video evidence against him.(which he was not aware had been filmed.)    His other choice is to refuse the promotion, and he will be publicly exposed and face the end of his career, financial ruin, the possible loss of his family, possibly prison, or even the threat of death. Given the stark contrast, at this point no one ever refuses, and the victim always bites the apple. After some time enjoying new wealth, status and comfort, the victim is required to partake in additional sex acts, maybe this time homosexual.

In return, even greater wealth and promotion is offered, along with an increased threat for non-compliance. All of this is done by a handler, usually a celebrity pedophile assigned to lure in the new target. The process is then repeated again, this time a requirement to have sex with a small child. It is repeated till the target is finally required to murder a child. These child sacrifice rituals have gone on for thousands of years. All of it is filmed. Some variation of this trap is used in all cases: An increasing level of wealth offered, in exchange for increasingly incriminating acts. Eventually there is no more hesitance or resistance, as non-compliance with orders is no longer an option. He has sold his soul and is now an unquestioning and committed order taker, used like a corpse, without free will of his own.

The worse the crimes they have committed, the higher the position of power they are granted. This ensures total control at all times. There is a reason every celebrity and nearly every politician in both parties mysteriously have the same political views. They have no say of their own. The various intelligence agencies, all of whose heads are under the orders of the Jesuit general, create the child sex slaves which are used. This is done using torture and trauma based mind control. Dozens of survivors have come forward, always telling the exact same story. Not a single time has one of them been sued for defamation for writing books or stating publicly that very famous celebrities, members of academia, and politicians are raping and killing children.

Many front organizations are used to conceal organized child trafficking including orphanages, Montessori schools, daycares and convents. Convents are similar to monasteries but usually not as secluded. They operate very similar to prisons, with a few exceptions. The warden doesn’t generally rape all of the inmates in the prison, the prisoners are not usually brutally tortured for keeping secrets, and prisoners are free to leave at the end of their sentence, while a convent is a life sentence.

Few ever escape the convent or live to tell about it, but occasionally one escapes the rape prison and writes a book. They always tell the same story.   Nuns in the convent, many of whom are teenagers, are under the authority of a Mother Superior who acts as an enforcer for the priests. They are required to confess all their thoughts to the priest, and conditioned to believe that withholding their innermost thoughts or denying the sexual advances of the priest are the worst imaginable crimes. The pedophile posing as a priest drinks alcohol frequently and rapes the young nuns.   Those who fail to follow orders are severely punished, tortured or killed. When the nuns are impregnated by the priests, the babies are delivered inside the convent and killed. The nuns are told that the human sacrifice of these millions of babies is saving the baby and ensuring its safe transport to heaven.  The convents generally have large iron gates  and may be patrolled by guards or dogs to prevent anyone from leaving.  Contact with the outside world is limited to letters which are read prior to being sent or received.

Ritual child abuse among this bloodline is not anything new, these things have been going on for thousands of years, and before the consolidation over education, this was more widely known.

The human sacrifices are part of the same fertility rituals discussed on the first page of this site. Sometimes these sacrifices are used in black magic ceremonies, thought to convey certain supernatural powers.

When people learn of these horrors taking place, the one thing they can never answer is WHY would any one do such a thing. They can see whats happening, they see the evidence. They see something is very wrong, but they cant come to terms with one thing. HOW could any human being do something this evil.   Perhaps these Magog bloodlines do not possess the same compassion and empathy as we do. The Bible says that there are on earth, people who are the seed of fallen angels mixed with man kind, and they will form a powerful kingdom which will rule over all the earth.

And all the ancient historical traditions match what the Bible says on this matter. That these are a people with the ancestry of both human and some form of beast or supernatural creature.

So if you believe the words of the Bible then you should expect to see the world ruled by these human-looking fallen angels who have no compassion or regard for human life. And you should expect to see them offering power and material riches to those who will submit and subordinate themselves to this system.

And it should not seem at all surprising that they swear their allegiance to Lucifer, and take a blood oath to infiltrate by stealth with the purpose of killing all people of faith. The end justifies the means.   By any means necessary.  These are thought to be Marxist ideas, but in fact, long before that they originated as Counter Reformation, Jesuit strategies for putting an end to Christianity.

But no one is under a greater deception than they are. They have been led to believe that whoever will help the forces of evil build their earthly kingdom, they will receive in exchange, secret knowledge, earthly riches and power.   Sell your soul for material things, your birthright for a bowl of soup. Give up what God gave you, which is eternal life, for secret knowledge and very temporary earthly power. The same thing offered to Eve in the garden, enlightenment, gnosis, gnosticism. Salvation thru knowledge. Do not touch the fruit of this tree.  

They realize only after its too late, that they have been deceived, that they wont have any time to enjoy an earthly kingdom.  Life on earth is too short.   They want to you join them, and desire your own earthly kingdom, so you can be manipulated and controlled and enslaved by your desire for material things. God tells you to be content with what you have no matter what it is and always be happy. So they want to make sure you’re never happy for any reason, no matter how much you have have, because you could always have more.  Keeping you in a perpetual state of greed and dissatisfaction, like they are. No one is under a greater deception, no one is weaker, more frightened or more miserable than these people. They cant escape the trap they are in, and they envy you for having so much less, and still being happy while they live in wealth and misery.  

Everything they offer is always something that looks appealing, infused with poison: Education, but designed to make you clueless, food, but it’s slowly poisoning you, free healthcare designed to keep you sick and addicted, free money, but it’s debt poison, unlimited entertainment choices, all poisoned.

They offer junk, in exchange for your eternal life.
While Jesus offers eternal life in exchange for your junk.

We started with the question whether there is a conspiracy, and what is being hidden. All the evidence supports the statements in the Bible. There is a conspiracy far greater than most people can imagine. And even the elect have been deceived. According to the If the Bible is true we should EXPECT to see a conspiracy by those who say they are Jews but ARE NOT and do lie.

This is important enough that the book of Revelation begins with Jesus telling us that THIS is who conspiring and attacking people of faith. AND THIS is the reason they push so hard against people who recognize a conspiracy.

So, is it possible to reject all “conspiracy theories” and also believe the words of the Bible?


They are hiding the truth about Jesus Christ, that is what they really want to conceal.  That is the grand conspiracy by which Satan Deceives the Whole World.   They want to conceal the truth: That Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. That he came down and walked on this earth and left his own footprints here. They paid a large bribe to conceal his resurrection from the world, they have been conspiring to conceal it ever since.    

And what better deception could there be than calling your movement Christianity while leading people away from Jesus. Antichrist and Anti-God are the same thing. They hated God before they hated Jesus, and they hated Jesus, before they hated you for believing in him. And since his kingdom is a spiritual one, it exists within those who believe in him, so they will attack you to attack him. If he is in you, they want to kill you.

There is no place to remain neutral, you can not stand in the middle, and say you don’t know what to believe. You either believe, Or you don’t. If you don’t choose Life, you choose Death. You must choose one or the other right now. And if you refuse to choose, you have made your choice. There is no middle ground. If you believe you must say the words to give them life. You can’t believe and not say the words.

Discovering the incredible scale and scope of this conspiracy, things can seem hopeless, but in reality everything you would expect to see if the Bible is true, is exactly what we do see.


Which means that God is good, And that Jesus Christ is the evidence that God is good.  He showed us THAT HE HAS POWER OVER DEATH AND DEATH IS NOT TO BE FEARED.

Why would anyone imagine that God has the power to give you life the first time: from non-existence into existence, but does NOT have the power to do it again after death? The fact that you have life right now is already proof that God has power over death. God did not create death.   It is simply the absence of life, the absence of God.

This is why its called a GOSPEL – why it is good news. And the reason many people don’t believe it is that IT’S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE. Can you imagine how good this news actually is?  That you will receive eternal life, with no more suffering, no more sickness, no more pain and no more death.  That after living in a condition where everything is so fragile, that you will become invincible? That life is not just a short, painful journey ending in death. That nothing that is hidden will remain hidden, no one crime will go unpunished and not one good deed will go unrewarded. And that justice will finally be served.

The Bible is filled with instructions on what you should do. They are given over a period of thousands of years, and the messengers vary but the message stays the same.

We should fear NONE OF THOSE THINGS THEY THREATEN US WITH. We should not fear their ugly faces and personalities, or their threats of violence, or their conspiracies. We should keep God’s commandments. His commandments are the real Bill of Rights. They establish property rights, and they tell you to LOVE God, to Love others, and to do justice. The sum of all virtues is justice.

Do not be alarmed when you see great injustices happening. The system is ruled by spiritual forces. We will never be able to fix injustice thru man made political systems.   You will not go into politics and make a difference. The system that rules is controlled by spiritual powers, every government building is covered in their occult symbols, and filled with people who are corrupted to the core. Anyone trying to make real changes to the system learns very quickly that there is no possibility of this. No system will ever last unless and until the people trust God. There are no political solutions to spiritual problems.  It is like try to repair a rotten piece if fruit.

A better approach is to do what Jesus instructed and try and heal the people by teaching them the truth.   We are not here to change the system and repopulate it with more corrupted people who are incapable of governing or ruling over others. God told you from the start if you want to be ruled by people instead of him that THIS IS THE SYSTEM you would have. You can be ruled by man or ruled by God. We have chosen man and rejected God.

When the souls of the people are healed and they follow God’s laws, they can govern themselves and don’t need to be ruled by others.  If it were a battle against flesh and blood, maybe we could fight the battle ourselves. This is why the conspiracy lives for thousands of years even as the people come and go.

And it is the reason why ONLY Jesus Christ has the power to fight these battles for us. Many people have been used to advance the anti-God anti-Christ system, but all they are is tools of a system which is using and discarding them.

While the earthly kings obsess about their royal bloodline and maintaining their fallen angel seed, it is of little importance to a person of faith. God has provided salvation thru Jesus Christ no matter your bloodline, which he made clear.

Its not who you are, its what you believe.  Your faith will save you. Be baptized, it is a symbol of resurrection, of defeating death with faith.   Claim the gift of life being offered to you.   Consider the open door placed before you.

Why should you reject a free gift far greater than anything you have ever received? What do you have to lose by accepting the gift of life?  

If you have rejected God until now, take a look at your life and answer honestly, if you are truly happy with your life. Ask God to make himself real to you and then pay attention for the answer. He answers in more dimensions than just sound.

And finally, Do as Jesus said, and GO INTO THE WORLD and save whoever you can. This doesn’t have to be done in the ways it was done hundreds of years ago. Today there are many ways of reaching millions of people instantly.   Don’t worry about the results. Just take the action.  God will deal with the results. If you really, truly believe, you will have no choice but to help others. I you can’t do anything else, share a website like this with others. Many people know the truth but get discouraged because the lies and deceptions are so overwhelming. But learning the true history can help people see past the mountain of lies. Time is short. The harvest is great and the workers are few.