Monks adopted the lifestyle of isolation from society, and deprivation – renouncing material and physical pleasures in pursuit of a state of enlightenment, or a higher plane where a secret knowledge could be accessed, special powers could be unleashed, and one could become a perfected and god-like figure.
The isolated monks seeking perfection were referred to as hermits, named for Hermes Trismegistus, a sorcerer and author of many ancient texts on astrology, alchemy, magic and pharmacology. Monks often lived in caves. Anthony of the Desert, or Anthony the Great, is one of the fathers of monasticism. His cave, the Cave of St Anthony, is today a tourist attraction in the Egyptian desert.
A contemporary of St. Anthony, Athanasius introduced the vow of celibacy into the Roman church. This unnatural vow, (by design) resulted in sexual abuse and pedophilia becoming commonplace in the church. Power struggles eventually developed between Rome, and these illuminated ones, who had guided and directed the leaders of Rome for centuries. Athanasius was exiled from Rome and forced to return to Alexandria.
Pachomius the Great, born near Luxor, Egypt, and a contemporary of Anthony and Athanasius, started the commune form of monastic living, where groups of monks would live together in isolation, hunger, and poverty. He started 8 such monasteries. These Egyptian monasteries became bases from which to establish and spread the ancient mystery religion into new areas. Monasteries were soon built all over north Africa, Southern Europe and the Middle East, and lured in many followers with the promise of enlightenment and an elevated and perfected state of being. The monasteries were exempt from church or state intervention and were completely autonomous. No outsider ever ventured in except as invited. What happened in the monastery, stayed in the monastery. In the tradition of dead ancestor worship, every monastery is built at the site of a tomb of ancestor.
The monk John Cassian’s work became the foundation for Benedictine Monasticism, which required of monks total unquestioning submission to the orders of a ruler, or abbot, of the monastery. This total commitment to obey orders was known as the Benedictine Vow. Cassian, like all the leaders of monasticism was an elite born into wealth and privilege, and highly educated. It was Cassian who established Egyptian style monasteries in Southern France and was credited with first bringing the Gnostic traditions into Europe.
Including a tradition which claims that Jesus Christ was married and had children who ended up in Southern France. According to this tradition, Jesus survived the cross, and escaped to France along with several of his followers including Mary Magdalene, with whom he fathered 3 children. According to the this fictional tradition, the only importance of Jesus was that he was another male in the line of King David.
The true version of the story is, that after the death and resurrection of Jesus, many of his followers were targeted for death as well, as they had been witnesses to many of his miracles, as well as his resurrection, and they were forced to flee from Judea. The rulers who had Jesus killed, paid a large bribe to keep the public from finding out about the resurrection. And they had targeted Lazarus to be murdered as well, because of his own resurrection, which had caused many to follow Jesus. After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, a group of his followers fled from the Jews and escaped by ship. This group included both Lazarus, Mary Magdalene, and two other Marys. They ended up in a region in southern France, near Marseilles. This is why today there is a Cathedral in France which contains items found in Marseille, which were the personal belongings of Lazarus. It also contains a statue of Mary Magdalene, whose remains to this day are kept near Marseilles. And Lazarus is considered to be the first bishop of Marseille. The arrival in France by sea of Mary Magdalene and 2 other Marys, resulted in the name of the town Saint Marys of the Sea.
It is unknown who was the real father of Mary Magdalene’s children. Some claim it was James, the brother of Jesus. The only thing that is known for certain is that one of Mary’s daughters married one of the Scythian Sicambrian Frankish kings, and this line of kings would later be known as the Merovingian dynasty.
These Sicambrian Frankish kings, also claimed to be Jews but with descent direct from Judah, from the line of Zarah, which is referenced in the book of Genesis. In the Genesis story, the twin which came out first was Pharez, and the line of Pharez would lead to Jesus. The twin with the scarlet thread, which would have been first, but was born second and lost the birthright, was Zarah. The line of Zarah lost the inheritance.
(Many stories in the Bible contain stories or symbolism of one who was first in line, forfeiting his inheritance, including, Cain and Abel, Zarah and Pharez, Ishmael and Isaac, Jacob and Esau, David and Saul, all being reflections of the Jews rejecting God and losing their inheritance to people of faith from all nations.)
John Cassian’s monasteries were instrumental in spreading the mystery religion in southern France, and these gnostics, illuminated ones, using the cover of the monasteries worked to bring to power the line of Merovingian kings, of the seed of Zarah, and Mary Magdalene. With their claim to a divine right to rule, as the line of King David, the Merovingian kings rejected Roman political power. This became known as Gallicanism. By the 5th century Rome had lost much of its control over Gaulish regions.
Clovis I, who is considered the first king of the Merovingian dynasty, was the first to UNITE all the Frankish kings under a single unified power instead of smaller regional kings, ensuring kingship over the entire realm could continuously be passed thru the bloodline heirs: The recurring theme of uniting and centralizing power, ever since God divided the nations.
The Merovingian kings WERE ALL MONKS and built many more monasteries. Clovis I determined that instead of continued conflicts with Rome, a better strategy was to try and infiltrate and control Rome from within, and use the power of Rome to expand the Merovingian power. In 496 Clovis and around 3000 members of his court made a public display of pretending to convert to Roman Catholicism, and Rome let its guard down and agreed to allow more autonomy for the Frankish nations.
Within a few generations, they infiltrated and gained control of Rome, when Gregory I was the first monk to become pope.
The Merovingians then set their sites on conquest of Britain. In 580, the Phoenician conquest-by-marriage method was attempted, when a Merovingian princess Bertha was married to Aethelbert, King of of Kent. The great-granddaughter of Clovis, Bertha was of course, a descendant of Mary Magdalene thru the line of Merovingian kings. Then in 596, the pope-monk Gregory sent a convoy of 40 monks to Britain to convert the people of the region to Gnosticism. This was known as the Gregorian mission.
Bertha then facilitated the establishment of many monasteries in Britain. In 604 her husband Aethelbert constructed the original St Paul’s cathedral. (It was built at the same site where today stands the new St. Pauls cathedral, rebuilt in 1666 at the highest point in the City of London – an independent Merovingian temple district within the borders of England, which is not a part of England but a separate autonomous region.)
The Gnostic-monastic religion was established in England, along with the ancestor worship of Isis, who was personified as Mary Magdalene. Church followers were told that the statues of Isis were actually Mary the mother of Jesus, and were instructed to pray to her. She was always depicted with a sun halo or crown, and was assigned the title of Queen of Heaven, a title that had always been attributed to the female deity of this ancient mystery religion.
The monk and Hellenistic philosopher Augustine of Hippo (Hippo: A Phoenician city near Carthage) had introduced into the church the idea that Mary-Isis was without sin, and therefore should be worshiped as a deity. Augustine and his followers had established monasteries across North Africa. At that time, the Arab world was largely Christian, and these monasteries had been used as bases bases for seeking out and destroying any existing copies of the Bible and establishing the Gnostic mystery religion in north Africa.
The Merovingians desired control of Jerusalem, with their claimed descent from king David and their self-appointed divine right to rule, and with the monk Gregory I in now control of the papacy, it was from these monasteries in North Africa that a plan for conquest of Jerusalem would be carried out. There was a significant Christian and Jewish population in the areas surrounding Jerusalem, and both groups considered Jerusalem central to their beliefs. There was no means to capture Jerusalem by force, so a plan was developed to build up a controlled Arab force which could be used to capture Jerusalem, and remove the existing populations. Augustine’s monks began quietly disseminating in the Arab world the idea that Arabs should be enemies of Jews and Christians. They created and spread a story that Jews had essentially stolen the birthright of Arabs, and that the sacrifice described in Genesis 22 was actually Ishmael, not Isaac, and that the story had been changed to place Isaac and his descendants in place of Ishmael and the Arab peoples who are descended from Ishmael. (Again, the theme: Younger brother steals birthright of jealous older brother.) This story made Jerusalem a holy site to Arabs, not just to Jews, and it created animosity among Arabs toward Jews, and created a desire among Arabs to gain control of Jerusalem.
Augustine’s monasteries then created and disbursed a fairytale, about a coming prophet who would be God’s final prophet and who would lead the Arabs to overthrow all Jews and Christians, and capture Jerusalem for the Arabs, who were the rightful heirs of the promises God gave to Abraham. Great expectation developed among Arab peoples, of a coming prophet-warrior. When the time was right, the prophet Muhammed was then unleashed. Many Arabs had been lured into the monasteries, and one, a monk named Waqarah, arranged for his cousin Khadijah (who also lived in a monastery) to groom one of their younger cousins, an orphan named Muhammad to be that prophet. They were, of course, from an elite family, and born into wealth.
The 40 year old Khadijah began a sexual relationship with 25 year old Muhammad, and she and Waqar instructed him in the monastic lifestyle. It was during periods of extended seclusion and deprivation, inside a cave of course, that Muhammed received his “illumination.” He began hallucinating and received visions he didn’t understand and which frightened him. His cousin-handlers told him what the visions probably meant and what he should probably do. Muhammad began writing extensively, writings which later became the Quran, and a new religion known as Islam.
The monastic invention called Islam included all the usual Gnostic symbolism. In addition to cave enlightenment, it featured: A hero with a sun halo, riding his horse across the sky, like the sun god Helios; The name Mahomet (Muhammad) was simply a variation of French word Baphomet, a demon that Gnostics worshipped; (The English version of the word means false god.) Stone worship, had long been a central practice of the sun worship/mystery religion. Under Islam, Pilgrims are instructed to make a pilgrimage to come worship a black stone inside a cube. The Phoenician Emesean priest kings had a Sun Temple containing a black stone. A stone, a grail, or a pillar for worship was often referred in the Bible as a to as high place.
Islamic women were required to dress as nuns in monasteries. Mosques were designed using the same identical phallic dome architecture as the ancient sun temples, monasteries, abbeys, and Catholic cathedrals, the same as the US capitol, the Vatican and every other sun temple designed after the original temple at Baalbek (Heliopolis.) The sun and moon worship symbology is found throughout Islam. Like Judaism, like Catholicism, and like monasticism, under Islam the strictest adherence to useless, empty rituals was emphasized, with the design to create a mindset of submission and compliance.
Like Judaism, in Islam Jesus was considered to be a prophet, but not the Son of God. Like Judaism, it had requirements for directional prayer facing toward a holy city, wearing head coverings, prostrating, superficial washing rituals with extremely detailed hand washing mandates, as well as purification baths for women, dietary and food preparation restrictions, large group gatherings to make a show of public prayer, insincere ritualistic and repetitive, scheduled prayers, circumambulation rituals, pilgrimages, fasting on Mondays or Thursdays, inferior social status and restrictive dress code for women, including required head coverings, marriages involving business contracts where women are exchanged as merchandise, restrictions on socializing & physical contact between genders, burials with the head facing the holy city, and night preceding the day with days beginning at sunset.
The list of similarities is endless, because it is the same religion. And like Judaism, all of the ritual and nonsense is for the masses. At the higher levels, the elites know that all of the rules and rituals are completely pointless, but valuable tools for submission and control. And they know the real story behind the invention of Islam. The Gnostic religion which created Judaism and Catholicism, also created Islam. A Jesuit priest Alberto Rivera revealed in the 1970’s that he had learned from a high ranking Jesuit, Cardinal Augustine Bea, that it is well known within inner Jesuit circles that they had created the Islam hoax for the purpose of capturing Jerusalem.
Despite the entire faith being based entirely on the bizarre claims of a single man, Islam gained a large following rapidly due to the extensive preparations done beforehand. And once it took hold, populations in areas it conquered were forced to convert or die. Islam, the religion left behind by these events was the worst thing ever to happen to the Arab world, which had been largely Christian in the period prior to Islam. Life under Islam for women became hell on earth, followed by hell after death. A religion that controls every aspect of your life, teaches you to give everything until you have nothing left, and that you should die for god, when in reality God died for you. And Allah was the sun god Baal (Belus) long before Islam was fabricated.
The Arab force imagined by Augustine materialized, but grew much larger and faster than anticipated, and control over it soon became impossible. When they did capture Jerusalem in 638, the Arabs were had no reason to share control over it with the Merovingian kings. Under the powerful deception of Islam, they now wanted Jerusalem for themselves. The Arab forces took control of Jerusalem, easily conquered territories in the Levant and set their sites on further territorial gains, including Europe. They conquered areas stretching from Pakistan to Morocco, and north into Spain and present day Turkey.
The disastrous outcomes involving the creation of Islam, and loss of territories restored the hostilities between the papacy and the Merovingians/monasteries. Rome had the Merovingian king Dagobert II assassinated, purportedly ending the Merovingian line, and replacing it with the Carolingian line of kings.
But this only put a temporary restraint on Merovingian plans for conquest. The real power was not with the kings but in the monasteries. The secrets of these bloodlines and the plans for conquest were passed down in the monasteries, and the enlightened ones were the guides who directed the actions of the kings. And the Carolingian kings already had Merovingian blood. Charles Martel, the father of the first Carolingian King, was a direct descendant of Clovis I. The Merovingian bloodline remained in power.

With the merging of all of the bloodlines of kingship into the single person of Charles Martel, it was claimed that he was descended from Abraham, from Zarah, from the Pharaoh Thutmoses, believed to be the Pharaoh during the Biblical Exodus, from Hiram the King of Tyre, King David and King Solomon of Israel, Darius I of Persia, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Kings, the Hasmonean kings, the Edomite Herod the Great, Constantine the Great, and Jesus Christ.
Consider carefully what is developing here.
God has already warned humanity of 2 things.
One. That the earthly kings gather themselves together against the Lord and against his people.
Two. That earthly kings are not equipped to rule over others and human rule over others will inevitably result in tyranny.
You can be ruled either by an earthly king, or by the King of Kings, who has a kingdom which is not of this earth.
Another step was taken to further establish this bloodline. Since the story about Jesus fathering a son was fictional, a male heir was needed who was actually a descendant of King David, to link this bloodline with the Jews, as the Merovingians claimed to be the true Jews and planned to establish their kingdom from Jerusalem.
Charles Martel sent for a Jew from Babylon to be sent to France – one who was thought to be from the line of King David. This was Makhir Ben Judah Zakkai of Babylon. Makhir was then married to Charles Martel’s daughter Aldana to merge the royal line with the seed of king David. Makhir was assigned the Frankish name Theirry IV. For this reason, Theirry IV’s parentage has remained a “mystery” to historians. For Martel to marry a daughter to some unknown figure would be of course absurd, after the great lengths gone to establish the extraordinary profile of this bloodline.
The truth of these matters was later revealed during a dispute between Karaite Jews and Talmudic Jews. Karaite Jews argued that Talmudic Judaism was a fraudulent, man-made political system, and not based on God’s law, that only God’s written law was valid, and that none of the rabbinical oral tradition should be used. In response, a Jewish mystic Abraham ben David wrote the Sefer-ha-qabbalah, and in an effort to lend legitimacy to the occult practices of the rabbinical Jews in Western Europe, he revealed that they did in fact have a connection to the people of Israel, as Charles Martel had brought a Rabbi Mahkir from Babylon, and he was settled in Narbonne France, and married into the Royal bloodline. An enormous tract of land was granted to Makhir and his descendants in southern France, a region that would be known as Septimania. Makhir was a mystic, and he started a large Talmudic school which attracted students from great distances, and was said to rival any Talmudic school in Babylon.
Makhir and Aldana, the daughter of Charles Martel, had a son, Willam (Guillem) of Gellone. William, like all his Merovingian ancestors, built monasteries to spread the Gnostic religion, and abbeys in honor of dead ancestors. Unlike his Merovingian ancestors, William was fluent in Hebrew and Arabic because of his father’s Babylonian Jewish origins. Because of this it was William who was sent on a mission to Jerusalem by the king Charlemagne, with the ultimate goal still being securing control of Jerusalem.
By 795 the Merovingians had control of the papacy once again, with Pope Leo III, a highly controversial selection of a pope with supposedly “unknown” origins.
After an attempt to assassinate Leo failed, Leo placed a crown on the head of Charlemagne in 800 and anointed him as Holy Roman Emperor, with the title of Holy and Emperor representing priest and king, reflecting descent from the long line of priest kings, who claimed both power over both church and state. Charlemagne united most of Western Europe in the same way Clovis I had.
William of Gellone was King of Septimania, the “Jewish” region given to rabbi Makhir. Although Charlemagne was the son of Pepin, the first Carolingian King, which made Charlemagne the heir to the throne, his pedigree did not include descent from King David, since the story of descent from Jesus was fictional.
William on the other hand was thought to be a true descendant of King David, with his descent from Makhir of Babylon. And the purpose of bringing Makhir from Babylon was to create a line of kings truly descended from king David, as the eventual ruler of the world, the false Christ must have this lineage.
This created a power struggle as time went on between the line of Charlemagne, and the line of William. Each line felt that their divine right to rule was more divine. But William’s descendants were the ones who remained under the guidance of the monasteries, and were considered to be the true Merovingian Jews.
The numerous royal houses descending from William of Gellone, guided and advised at all times by the (enlightened and illuminated) abbots of the monasteries, would carry on the Merovingian plans for world rule, and conquest of Jerusalem: A movement that would become known as Zionism.
These royal houses included: The Dukes of Aquitaine, Dukes of Lorraine, Dukes of Guise, Dukes of Normandy, Counts of Barcelona, Counts of Toulouse, Counts of Auvergne, Counts of Razes, Lords of Bullion, and Counts of Champagne. All of this was well known & established history for centuries until the 19th century when control of education began to be centralized and the real history of the world covered over and rewritten.
A new group of people soon appeared in the Rhine region in France, people who are known today as Ashkenazi Jews. Prior to the arrival of Makhir from Babylon, there were no Ashkenazi Jews in Europe. They appeared in the Rhineland in the 10th century without a trace of evidence that they had existed anywhere prior. It is claimed that they “coalesced” in the area around this time, but it is difficult to find any other example in history of a previously non-existent group of people suddenly “coalescing.” There are very few explanations that make sense, which can explain the sudden appearance in this region of a fair-skinned European Jewish people. 21st century DNA evidence shows that nearly half of all Ashkenazi persons can be traced to just 4 European women, while their male lines have Middle Eastern origins. This would make sense if they were connected to Makhir of Babylon who became European royalty and was given several European wives upon arrival in the Narbonne region. The first Ashkenazi Jew in the historical record appears to be Gershom ben Judah, who was born roughly in 960 and settled in Metz. Gershom was the son of a rabbi named Judah of Narbonne. Gershom was a teacher of the same Babylonian Talmudism that Makhir had taught in his school. The Rabbi Rashi, a student of Gershom’s, stated that ALL Ashkenazi people are students of Gershom’s.
The Merovingian conquest marched on. In 1066 they overthrew England. William the Conqueror, a descendant of William of Gellone, and Duke of Normandy in France invaded and conquered England, built monasteries and abbeys, and established a line of Merovingian kings referred to as the Normans. The following year he established the City of London, an independent “Crown” district within London, and granted it special status and privileges. To this day England remains an occupied nation, ruled by “The Crown” from within this autonomous district, which is not a part of England despite being physically located within its borders.
The Crown city within the city, is governed by a corporation consisting of monks, who are referred to as elders, or aldermen, enlightened wise men, who wear long robes and meet in private, where they make all governing decisions before issuing them to the political class.
The terms British Crown and British Empire have nothing to do with the population of England, and have always referred to the Merovingian Crown – the royal bloodline rule from this district, rule by a line of kings who intend to eventually rule from Jerusalem. Their kings were crowned on the Stone of Scone, the coronation stone alleged to be the stone from the book of Genesis which Jacob had slept on and then erected as a monument after receiving a vision from God. The stone was used to swear in the Merovingian Jewish kings, to support their claim to a link with the lineage of King David, and their divine right to rule over all nations. The crimes, global conquest, and colonization by the British Empire also have nothing to do with the English people and are strictly Merovingian conquest, the same continuing colonization and occupation they have been carrying out since the Phoenician era.
William the Conqueror built a castle and fortresses from which to rule over the English people, and he built the Tower of London. The Tower became a prison, and was considered the symbol of tyranny and the oppression of England by a foreign ruling elite. More than 100 castles were built in England, so the occupiers could live in safety, with the castles serving as both residential and administrative buildings. Ashkenazi Jewish communities were brought in and established in England, always housed nearby the ruling class. The Merovingians continued to expand using the Phoenician methods of conquest by marriage, and deposing or assassinating anyone opposing their plans. Their bloodline kings soon controlled most of Western Europe and the papacy.

Artwork began to appear, which depicted Jesus Christ as a Merovingian king. The image of a European Jesus imagined by people today bears no connection to reality. This is simply an image of a Merovingian king.

Satan deceives the whole world. When their bloodline false Christ finally appears, he will look like this.
In 999 Otto III installed the monk and sorcerer Gerbert D’ Aurillac as the first Frenchman to be pope. An abbot of Bobbio monastery, Gerbert adopted the title Sylvester II. Even mainstream history admits that his ascendancy to the papal throne was said to have been arranged by a pact he had made with Satan himself. The next 6 popes were all Merovingians and monks, including Odo of Chatillon, installed in 1088.
The grand prior of the Cluny monastery, Odo adopted the name Urban II. Their sights remained refocused on securing Jerusalem. Urban made a speech at the Council of Clermont on Nov. 27, 1095 inciting a series of marches on Jerusalem known as the Crusades. In 1099 The Zionist crusaders captured Jerusalem and established the “Kingdom of Jerusalem.” With the Duke of Lorraine Godfroi de Bouillon, being crowned as King of Jerusalem. A descendant of King David was now on the throne ruling from Jerusalem.
The crusaders massacred tens of thousands of Jews and Arabs in the city, including women & children. They were said to have waded through the streets of Jerusalem in blood up to their ankles. To secure and maintain control over Jerusalem, a military order was formed known as The Order of Solomons Temple, also called the The Knights Templar. The Dome of the Rock, which was considered a holy site in Islam at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, would be renamed Templum Solomonis or Temple of Solomon, and would become the headquarters for the Templars.
The rules outlining the Templar order were written by the monk and sorcerer Bernard of Clairveaux. Bernard was the nephew of André de Montbard. (Another founding member of the Order, and who later became the fifth Grand Master of the Knights Templar.) He was also the same Bernard who built over 100 monasteries, who founded the Order of Cisterians, which still exists today, , and who created a ritual chant in Honor of Mary of the Sea, Mary Magdalane / Isis.
The Templars were an unusual enterprise, a highly skilled military order consisting of monks. They were not permitted to communicate private matters by letters that could prove their existence or establish any date or location. Matters of importance were to be communicated only in person, or in code, often using symbols or hand gestures, the language of masonry. They were forbidden to have any contact with women, and all were, or became homosexual. They were given exemption from local laws and wore a red cross on their garments. They set up 1000 outposts across Europe and the Middle East and began using a system of letters of credit whereby money was transported by a letter with a seal, from one Templar outpost to another, with the bearer of the letter able to collect their money at any location. This allowed them to act as banks. They would accept deposits from travelers at one location, giving them a sealed document indicating the amount of the deposit, which allowed them to travel to another location and pick up the amount they had deposited. This allowed for travel without the fear of being robbed, and also allowed for people to bring much larger sums with them when traveling, which greatly increased international commerce.
Even those who were not traveling began to deposit their money with the Templars for safekeeping. The Templars began to have very large sums of money in their possession at any given time. Once they discovered that only a small fraction of the money was actually needed on hand to pay out withdrawals, they used the wealth they were holding to buy enormous tracts of farmland and vineyards, with the profits from the crops then used to pay back depositors. Their wealth grew exponentially and they built massive castles and estates with these profits.
They set up manufacturing operations and assembled a fleet of ships, and established warehouses in many port cities, as the Phoenicians had done. Their home port was La Rochelle, which became the largest port on the Atlantic. They became, in effect the first modern multinational corporation.
The Temple District in the City of London that William the Conqueror had created became the headquarters of the activities of the Templars. Most of the streets and buildings have some reference to the Crown or the Temple such as Crown Office Row, or Middle Temple Lane. All Bar Associations throughout the world are signatories and franchises to the International Bar Association located at the Inns of Court at Crown Temple.
While in control of Jerusalem, the Templars excavated the area in the city where Solomons Temple had been, seeking to find the original temple ruins. They discovered enormous quantities of gold which had been hidden under the temple in subterranean chambers over time during the various attacks on Jerusalem. (Allegedly, the Ark of the Covenant was also recovered during these excavations.)
The Copper Scroll discovered in 1956 among the Dead Sea scrolls, documented as many as 64 locations where gold treasures were still buried, including the Temple Mount. A single location listed contained nearly 1 million ounces of gold.
Also discovered beneath the Temple Mount was a wealth of ancient manuscripts. Among these was the Sepher Ha Bahir, or book of Illumination, containing esoteric knowledge and the supposed path to enlightenment. From the discovery of this book would come Kabbalah, meaning received tradition.
The Templars were also suddenly in possession of new methods of masonry & construction, including a supposedly secret geometry of an arch, which allowed them to construct enormous temples with soaring arched ceilings, in a style known today as Gothic.
Prior to this discovery, large churches and cathedrals had been built in the Romantic style, which required the use of very thick pillars supporting rounded arches, following on the design of the Roman bridges.
The name Templar, and their obsession with temple building, is the movement in opposition to God, who said NOT TO BUILD AN EARTHLY TEMPLE. This is what much of the Old Testament is about. Israel tried to model their society after surrounding Phoenician and Canaanite peoples, asking to be governed by a king instead of God like the other nations, and asking to build a sun temple like all the other nations. And the earthly king David did not understand God’s order not to build an earthly temple. God specifically said DO NOT BUILD ME A TEMPLE.
The OTHER NATIONS were filled with temples which were always dedicated to a false god, either to the sun, or to some ancestor who was worshiped as a deity. David wanted to dedicate a temple to God the way the other nations had temples dedicated to all of their false gods. God explained that as the creator of all things, he does not dwell in man made earthly structures, and that God would be the one to build David a house. God then told the king David about the coming of God’s own Son, who would one be of David’s seed.
David mistakenly thought, as most Bible readers still think today, that God was referring to David’s son Solomon. But God referred to a king who would be the Son of God and who would be king forever, which means, God was definitely not talking about Solomon, since Solomon rejected God, worshipped the Phoenician gods, and had the kingdom taken from him. God was telling David about Jesus Christ, the ONLY king whose throne was established forever, but David did not understand these words, and thought God meant an earthly king who would build God a physical house. The Bible is filled with these references to spiritual things, which are often misunderstood and confused with physical things.
David’s failure to understand God, regarding spiritual things, and thinking God was referring to something physical, was also a reflection of Israel’s failure to recognize Jesus as the messiah, and the Son of God, and their rejection of his spiritual kingdom, in exchange for an earthly king and a physical kingdom.
As a result Israel adopted the Phoenician/Canaanite practice of temple religion. Solomon hired Hiram the Phoenician king, and his stonemasons constructed Solomon’s temple in the style of the Phoenician sun temples. (Some sources have Hiram also marrying his daughter to Solomon, which is plausible considering Solomon had 700 wives from many nations.) The temple eventually became the center of the sun worship religion in Jerusalem. Life in Judah became increasingly temple-centric and ritual obsessed to the point where God ordered them to stop the feasts, temple rituals, and fake worship. Eventually God destroyed the temple not once, but twice.
So the Templars began constructing enormous temples across Europe, many of which are still standing today and remain engineering marvels even in the 21st century.
The Templars immense wealth and power in Europe began to sidetrack them from their original cause, and the role as guardians of the temple in Jerusalem became no longer their sole concern, as they became primarily bankers to Europe. The wealth that each king could amass in his own territory was no match for the Templars international network. And so they indebted most of the kings of Europe through loans. This was very easy to do, since they could give large sums directly to a king, and the king could repay it with the labor of his subjects thru taxation. By the early 13th century the Templars controlled 40% of the land in Europe. In 1244 Islamic forces recaptured Jerusalem.
Well-meaning but duped Christian populations in Europe had been hoodwinked into participating in the crusades, under the lie that pilgrimages to Jerusalem were a part of Christianity. (They are a part of the ancient sun worship/mystery religion, but have never been a part of Christianity.) With the Templars seen as failing in their mission to protect Jerusalem, resentment against them began to surface in Europe with regard to the immense power and wealth they had accumulated, their exemption from laws and taxes, and the public unease over their Luciferian rites and practices. Especially among some of the royal families, because many were deeply in debt to the Templars.
In 1307 many Templars in France were arrested. They were charged with practicing witchcraft, denying Jesus Christ, spitting or urinating on the cross during secret rites of initiation, committing acts of sodomy and bestiality, with worshipping a skull or head called Baphomet (Muhammad?) in a cave, and with sacrificing children, a practice common to their ancient mystery religion for thousands of years. It was revealed that skull of the severed head of John the Baptist was used in Templar rituals, and was kept at the Temple Mount site.
Many of the Templars were burned at the stake including the Grand Master Jacques de Molay. In addition, Philip IV also expelled all Jews from France. (The Jews were blamed, as the methods the Templars used to accumulate wealth wealth thru moneylending had arrived in Europe when the Jews from Babylon were brought in. Usury or moneylending at interest had always been illegal in Christian society and considered a path to certain destruction for any nation. Moneylending at interest became the driving source of antisemitism against Jews in Christian nations.)
Perhaps the most significant consequence of the Templars legacy, is that they developed many of the methods of legalized crime that the modern banking system is based on, including making loans for financial gain rather than charity, and fractional reserve lending, whereby more currency is loaned out than is actually held by the bank, allowing the lender to collect interest payments on money which never existed but which must be repaid in real wealth. This allows bankers to create vast sums of money for themselves out of thin air, while producing no product of any value to contribute. This forces a segment of society into poverty, as someone must work without fair compensation in order to create the wealth needed to pay back the interest to the bank.
Although the Templars efforts to establish rule in Jerusalem would be short lived, the early seeds were planted of a movement known as Zionism, a plan to take Jerusalem, under a false racial claim of a divine right to control the land, and a plan to reconstruct the sun Temple that God had already destroyed twice.
Continued…Part III: Globalism