Why are only members of the same family bloodline allowed to govern nations?
Why are there 3000 year old Phoenician inscriptions and artifacts all over South America if the first ships to sail to the Americas arrived 500 years ago?

Why are their 3000 year old Egyptian Temples in the southwestern United States?
Why is the proof of Europeans arriving in North America a century before Christopher Columbus never taught in schools?
The answers to all of these questions are very closely connected.
According to the Bible, something significant is being hidden from us. A major conspiracy for the purpose of concealing certain things from every person on earth. What is being hidden?? The answer to this question is not nearly as well hidden as it used to be. In the 30+ years since the internet became widely available to the public, things that were hidden from view for hundreds or thousands of years suddenly became accessible and visible to anyone who is willing to look. Suddenly, nearly every book ever written can be accessed in a matter of seconds, often for free and they can also be searched and researched in a matter of seconds. Research that would have taken weeks, months or years, can be done in hours or minutes.
If one were to take a closer look for example, at the history of religions, they might discover that all religions on earth, are only all slight variations of the same religious system.
On every continent, and in almost every country, symbols of sun worship will be found everywhere you look. Monuments to the sun, figures depicted with sun halos, worship of the sun, sacrifices to the sun, figures wearing sun headdresses.
With modern DNA evidence showing that all people are likely descended from two, the sun worship religion would have spread from its Mesopotamian origins within a small group of people into the rest of the world, with the various sun gods, actually being the same god under different names in different languages.
The historian Josephus tells of Nimrod, who built numerous cities and was able to organize and consolidate power over all of the existing peoples of the earth at that time, making him the head of an early form of world government. Nimrod hired stone masons and attempted to build a tower, allegedly high enough that waters could not reach the top if there were another flood. And according to the Bible scriptures, the construction of the tower failed when God divided everyone into separate groups by causing them to speak different languages so that the tower builders could no longer communicate with each other.
The people were scattered and the world was divided. Various nations began to form around these language groups. As populations migrated in all directions, they carried with them the world religion of worship of a sun-god. The worship of Nimrod as the solar god, also depicted as a solar calf, led to the worship of other deceased ancestors. Important deceased ancestors became associated with deities. Usually a male figure was associated with the sun and a female with the moon, but occasionally these roles are reversed, and in many cases their offspring was associated with the stars.
The Canaanite and Phoenician name for this god was Baal (Also Bel, Belus). Baal, the sun god, was believed to die each year in winter and be reborn in spring. Some form of solstice, harvest or fertility festival was always celebrated in connection with the death and rebirth of the sun god. In ancient times these large festivals usually involved every person living in an area and could last for days or weeks. These festivals continue in some form or other to this day throughout the world.
Male and female genitalia were celebrated as objects of worship for their role in fertility and reproduction, and rituals often included large orgies where anyone would have sex with anyone regardless of gender or age. Animals or people were killed as ritual sacrifices – offerings to the gods, especially children, who were believed to be the purest and most valued sacrifice one could give.

Loud drums were beaten so parents would not hear the screams as a child was placed in a fire or cauldron. The drinking of human blood was thought to give special vitality. Rituals took place which involved chanting certain words or phrases in repetition, which could cause a trance or form of hypnosis, at which time one could turn over control to a spirit which could convey power to perform extraordinary acts, such as levitation, magic, telepathy, sexual prowess. In reality the temporary powers given by these spirits were largely imaginary and a result of hypnosis, but it allowed the spirit access to the soul of that person from that point forward, with grave consequences.
Every modern form of dark arts or witchcraft on earth can trace its origins to these sun cult Baal-worship rituals and ceremonies, including black magic, invoking the spirit of an ancestor or other dead person, communicating with the dead, incantations, chanting, mantras, sun dances, rain dances, spell casting, hexing, human sacrifice, abortion, blood drinking, flesh eating, torture, flesh cutting, self mutilation, cutting off and wearing skin of another, worship of elements of creation in place of the creator, such as animal worship, phallic worship, fire worship, tree worship, human worship, sun, moon or star worship, stone worship,
idol worship, astrology, necromancy, fortune telling, card reading, palm reading, burning candles for the dead, carrying the torch for someone, passing the torch, lighting of eternal flames, mask wearing, ouija boards, card reading, psychics, witch doctors, shamans, hypnotists, mediums, spirit healers, yogi; all can trace their origins to this Baal worship cult.
More importantly, every single religion in existence can trace its origins to this ancient mystery religion, and its symbols will be found all over the world. Many of the symbols of this religion include pyramids, (secret knowledge with few at the top, many at the bottom) pentagrams, hexagrams, (a fertility symbol meant to depict male phallic entering female) portrayal of figures with sun halos, phallic shaped domes, pillars or groves, obelisks and other phallic symbols, and orobouros. (snake or dragon eating its own tail)
As populations spread, evidence of the world religion began to appear in the Americas at much earlier dates than what is taught to schoolchildren. Modern No one crossed the ocean to these continents until the late 15th century, we are told. But in parts of South America it is well known that the Phoenicians reached the Americas at least 2500 years earlier. And although crossing the Atlantic is usually thought of in terms of a treacherous 4000 – 5000 mile journey from Europe to North America, the shortest crossing distance in the warmer southern hemisphere is only 1770 miles, a distance much shorter even than an east-west crossing of the Mediterranean sea, the region which the Phoenicians dominated at the time. An alarming number of things which would not make a lot of sense, suddenly fall into place and make perfect sense once this fact is understood. Things such as the identical sun-worship/human sacrifice practices of eastern and western populations. Things such as the Los Lunas stone in New Mexico, the Bat Creek inscription in Tennessee, the Grave Creek stone in West Virginia, the Inga Stone in Brazil, the Dighton Rock inscription in Massachusetts, the presence of cocaine and tobacco in Egyptian mummies, the presence of pineapples in ancient Roman art, the modern DNA evidence showing so-called native American groups are actually linked to the same Mediterranean areas as the Phoenicians, the presence of Nephilim (or giants) in North America,
which- prior to mandated government education camps, knowledge of giants in North America was so commonplace that US president Abraham Lincoln mentioned it casually in a speech.
And there is the Egyptian temple filled with artifacts discovered near the Grand Ganyon in 1909. According to an article in the Arizona Gazette on April 5, 1909, the discovery led the Smithsonian to send a research team to study the area and found a large chamber with passageways that “radiate like spokes of a wheel” (actually, like rays of the sun). The Smithsonian later went to great lengths to cover up this particular finding. Curiously, the area is now surrounded by peaks that have been named for the false gods of the ancient mystery religion.
There is also the Pedra de Gavea, a mountain in Brazil with a giant face of a Phoenician king carved into it, and an enormous inscription on the side which reads : “Tyre, Phoenicia, Badezir, Firstborn of Jethbaal” in reference to Phoencian king Ithobaal or Jethbaal whose children were Badezir (Baal-Eser) and Jezebel.
The same Jezebel who helped to corrupt and destroy Israel. And the granddaughter of Baal-Eser was Elissa or Dido the founder of the major Phoenician port, Carthage.
This giant monument to Ithobaal caused particular problems for the ruling elites, since it was clear proof of the Phoenician presence, so the face of the monument was disfigured and the whole thing was an elaborate hoax.
Perhaps it was carried out by one of those 19th century elaborate ancient Phoenician hoax teams, who had both the motivation and technical skills to create enormous Phoenician hoax monuments. Although a motive for creating such a hoax has not yet been established, these monuments are quietly left out of the mandated history books.
Maybe the most compelling piece of proof is the Paraiba Inscription, a large stone inscribed with artwork and a written message in the Phoenician language, in which the Phoenicians announce their arrival, describe their journey from Sidon, and acknowledge the sun god for his assistance on the journey. Remember learning about this one in 5th grade? You dont? Well, guess where this one was found?
And there is also the well researched and documented work of professors like Dick Ibarra Grasso and Bernardo da Silva Ramos. Grasso headed a Bolivian university’s archaeology program and founded 3 archaeological museums in the 1940’s and 50’s. He collected Phoenician artifacts from all over South America and authored numerous books on the real history of the region, content which is strictly forbidden in western schools and media and has never been translated into English.
Brazilian Archaeologist and linguist Bernard DaSilva Ramos, discovered over 2,000 Phoenician inscriptions in and around Brazil. Much of this research is documented in his book “Inscriptions and Traditions of Prehistoric America” which has also never been translated into English.
And there was archaeologist Robert Marx, who completed over 5,000 dives, and has been described as father of underwater archaeology. In 1982 He discovered a sunken Roman style ship off the coast of Brazil. Incredibly, before the ship wreckage could be analyzed, the Brazilian “authorities” destroyed the priceless historical site by covering over the entire wreckage with sand, and announcing a ban on further underwater exploration.
Initially, when evidence of the connections between the old and new world would emerge, it would be dismissed by so called authorities as fakes or hoaxes, despite the lack of motive for anyone to create a single hoax, let alone tens of thousands. But eventually the evidence piled up, so they simply began labeling any evidence which emerged as “controversial,” or “disputed,” and then simply ignoring it, not reporting on it, blocking it from mandated education textbooks, and over time, one by one each piece of evidence would fade.
At the same time, the ‘Columbus discovered America’ nonsense was relentlessly promoted. Dozens of places were named Columbia in North and South America, Columbus holidays were celebrated, even the capital of the US is in the district of Columbia. So the history has been successfully concealed.
The Phoenicians, in additional to being expert shipbuilders, navigators, world travelers, and Baal worshipers, gained considerable political power and influence in the areas surrounding their ports. At a time where most of the worlds population traveled on foot or by riding on animals, the Phoenicians were able to establish trading posts in dozens of coastal cities.
They would arrive in ports with merchandise that could not be obtained from any other source, which allowed them to charge just about any price they wanted. They became the first mass distributors, selling many items in bulk. The arrival of a Phoenician trading vessel into a port became an eagerly anticipated event for the ruling classes in each location, anxious to see what new and interesting merchandise might arrive. The Phoenicians began to form mutually beneficial partnerships with the political class in each port location. To strengthen these partnerships, they used a strategy of marrying their children to the children of the local ruling classes. By this method, control of the economy was established, and they established their bloodline within the political class in each location where this took place. There was never any question as to who held the power in these relationships, and the Phoenicians established an early form an international bloodline rule, facilitated by this intermarriage and monopoly on trade.
They may have also been responsible for a widespread series of attacks on most of the civilizations around the Eastern Mediterranean, a period known as the Late Bronze Age Collapse, which has been described as a complete uprooting of civilization, by some powerful unknown force. Historians remain confused, and offer numerous theories on who the mysterious attackers were, but no other known group in this era had the capability to carry out attacks on this scale and only the Phoenicians grew in power and autonomy during this phase.
In any case, the influence of this Phoenician system on the modern world is impossible to understate. In fact the bloodline rule by this group of international merchants, is still in place today. And it was important enough to be addressed by God in both the Old and New Testament, where the scriptures reveal that these internationalists, these globalists, who extract the wealth of every nation, are mariners, navigators and sea merchants. In the New Testament it is revealed that this system of international commerce, referred to as Mystery Babylon is the system that will eventually fall and God will deliver justice to the world.
These shipping merchants, are also referenced in the Old Testament, where their identity is revealed to us as Phoenician. The Bible names the Phoenician cities,of Tyre, Arvad, Sidon, Gebal, as well as Mt Hermon, (Senir) and the cedars of Lebanon which were used to build their ships. It describes their merchandise and the extraordinary riches gained thru international commerce. And it describes a fallen angel, the ruler of this world, sitting on his throne, near the edge of the sea, and imagining himself to be God.
And he is none other than the King of Tyre.
And the King of Tyre is connected directly with the construction of the Tower of Babel mentioned above. When God divided the people and languages, causing the construction of the tower to halt, Fenius Farsaid, one of Nimrod’s masons left the plane of Shinar and went to Scythia, and returned with 72 scholars to study the altered languages and attempt to translate and reunite people in communication, with the purpose to re-assemble the masons, and continue construction on the tower. What he developed, became the origins of freemasonry, a system of using signs & symbols to communicate regardless of the language spoken, and named for the masons who were the tower builders.
Another variation of his name is Phoeniusa, and he is the eponym of Phoenicia, although it is sometimes incorrectly attributed to one of his descendants, Phoenix. (Phoenix was the son of Agenor the first King of Tyre.) Farsaid was the grandson of MAGOG, who appears in several Bible prophecies as one who will create a great deception, and who will create massive wars.
The son of Farsaid was Nel or Nilus, who was described as a river God or a sea creature. The Nile river is named for him. Many of these earliest ancestors were described in this way; As beasts, giants, or part-beast-part-human creatures, usually attributed with super-human powers or strength, and often worshiped as gods. While part-human-part-beast creatures may seem like science-fiction, every culture on earth tells similar stories in their early history, and the Bible tells the same story.
Nilus married Scota, the daughter of an egyptian Pharaoh. They had a son named Giodel Glas. He and his mother Scota went north by sea and ended up the area now known as Scotland. He created the Goidelic, or Gaelic languages and Gaels and Gaelic language are named after him, and Scotland is named after Scota. This history, although it is documented in countless ancient texts, is not taught today.
While Agenor was the first king of Tyre, his twin brother Belus was king of Egypt. Many of the various Greek civilizations eventually emerged from these Phoenician – Egyptian – Magog bloodlines, through these twins Belus and Agenor. This is why the Greek language closely resembles the Phoenician and Egyptian languages it came from.
When researching the ancient history of any people, something peculiar is found.
At a certain point, “history” comes to a sudden stop and myths begin. There IS no history prior to that point, we are told. Only mythology. And this is not limited to any particular people who had a propensity for telling mythological stories. The early history of every culture on earth is labeled mythology.

Modern historians in the past couple of centuries have been revising and dismissing the long standing established histories of every culture on earth, claiming that all of it is legend and myth. An obvious question might be: Who gave them this authority? To decide where history stops, and myth begins. The answer is of course, that no one has that authority. And that its clear for many reasons that there is a great deal of truth to ancient mythology.
Is everything in mythology true? Of course not. But, since most of the myths from various cultures align to tell the same general stories, since the myths are often the only historical records there are, and since nearly every place is named after a figure from mythology, (or was before its name was later changed) the stories labeled as myths are far more credible than the people trying to conceal them. The evidence is saying one thing, and the education system is saying another. Why?
This is where part of the mass deception comes in and we will see in a moment who is tampering with education and why. A very murky ancient past can become much more clear and reconnected to the modern world by uncovering the truths of so-called mythology.
Belus the king of Egypt, and the twin brother of Agenor the king of Tyre, had twin sons of his own. One of them, Danaus founded Argos, and a line of kings which eventually resulted in the Argead Dystanty, a royal house whose symbol was of course, the sun, and which eventually produced in 356 BC, another mason or temple builder, Alexander the Great.
In the tradition of his ancestors, Alexander Great attempted to re-establish the unified world rule that was lost when the nations and languages were divided. He went on a rampage conquering territories and spreading the Phoenician/Egyptian religious sun culture, (Baal worship) now known as Hellenistic culture. He conquered nations from North Africa to India, with a plan to reach the “ends of the world and the Great Outer Sea.” He built dozens of cities, naming them after himself, and in every one of them, erected sun temples or restored existing ones. The cities were always along trade routes, with a goal of expanding dominance of international commerce.
Pay close attention to what Alexander did in Egypt. He restored the Egyptian temples, made sacrifices to the Egyptian gods, and was proclaimed to be a descendant of a long line of Pharaohs, and the son of the Sun god Amun.
And he was accepted by the Egyptian people as one of them, and their ruler, despite being a “foreigner” who was absent for his entire rule.
These events in Egypt cause GREAT CONFUSION for modern historians. They can’t understand why a foreigner like Alexander would be accepted by the Egyptians as their ruler, or why he made sacrifices to the Egyptian gods, or why he claimed to be descended from a line of pharaohs. Why are they clueless about the events taking place here? Because they have dismissed the true history as mythology. Alexander WAS directly descended from Egyptian kings. And his religion WAS the same religion practiced in Egypt. And the horns worn by this line of kings were a symbol of the part-beast-part-human royal bloodline.
One of the dozens of cities Alexander the great named after himself, Alexandria in Egypt became the world center of the sun worship religion.
The period following the widespread establishment of this sun cult religion, with its temple-centric cities and cultural transformation was labeled the Hellenistic period. The similarities with the earlier Phoenician conquests were notable: While much remained unchanged among the various populations Alexander had colonized, they were ruled over by a Hellenic elite, who saw themselves as vastly superior to the native barbarians. Taxation was imposed, and sun worship mandated. Urbanization was favored as it allowed ruling classes to collect taxes much more efficiently and to exert much greater influence on the populous. Rural life began to be viewed as peasant and inferior. The desire was to create a universal cultural belief system for all peoples in all lands based around the religion that was practiced in Alexandria and Athens.
Valuable natural resources of each country were seized and controlled by the Hellenist colonizing elites, and trade networks established, while the locals in each location were usually kept impoverished. No matter where you live in the world today in the 21st century, life under this system is very familiar to you. This internationalist system of seizing power and resources and then monopolizing trade became the foundation for what would eventually become the globalist system we live under today. Rule of all nations by an international bloodline elite, through seizing the means of production and the resources, leaving the populations impoverished and dependent.
The ongoing challenge of maintaining such a system is that the elites are always vastly outnumbered, and always at risk of being physically removed from power. This problem is solved by presenting the people with a never ending list of imaginary problems and fabricated threats to their safety and security, to keep them in constant fear and unease. And always presented along with these imaginary threats, are solutions to be administered by the ruling elite. But funded of course by the labor of the people.
The Achaemenid dynasty which had ruled Persia, was also descended from the sun god Belus, and produced the Hellenized Commagene line of Kings. Modern history presents Belus as 2 or 3 different people, all of whom are mythological, while ancient history reveals that the 3 were actually one person, whose descendants include many lines of kings. In a 2000 year old manuscript, Descriptions of Greece, Pausanias reveals that the temple of Belus in Babylon was named for Belus of Egypt, the son of Libya. Another 2000 year old manuscript, by Diodorus says that Babylon was colonized by Belus of Egypt. So either those who were present at the time are right, or those who, living thousands of years later and without authority or evidence, contradict the only historical records that exist. If they can sever all the little threads that connect the true history, then you will not be able see how it fits together, and how it confirms that Bible scripture is true.
All of this is very closely connected with the modern era and everything taking place today. Antiochus I of Commagene, also descended from Belus created an enormous shrine on Mt. Nimrod or Nemrut, named for his favorite ancestor, in honor of the various priest king figures after Nimrod who were also worshiped as the sun god.
The Argead Dynasty of Argos, which was descended from Belus and produced Alexander the Great, also produced the dynasty which followed Alexander’s death, the Seleucid Dynasty, as well as the Ptolemaic Dynasty, which continued the Magog bloodline rule over Egypt. The Seleucid and Ptolemaic then were both rejoined by intermarriage with the Commagene Kings, who we have just seen, were from the Persian Achaemenid dynasty, also traced back to Belus.
Follow carefully. The Commagene line of Kings which now included all of these Phoenician-linked MAGOG dynasties was merged with the Edomite Herodian dynasty which appears in many scriptural prophecies.
It was also merged with the priest-Kings of Emesa, a sun worshipping Phoenician dynasty whose origins modern historians have attempted to cover up. Although infinitely more credible ancient sources including Emesene writers themselves reveal the Phoenician descent.
And it merged with the priest-kings of Rome. The Roman line of priest-kings included descendants of the Arval Brethren, a very ancient roman priesthood, who offered during solstice, harvest sacrifices to the fertility goddess Dea Dia, also known as Isis. And finally merged in were the Jewish priest kings. The Jewish Hasmonean dynasty began ruling Judea around 140 BC. They adopted Hellenic names, and merged the office of priest and king, something which had always been kept separate under Mosaic law. The entire Old Testament period was centered around the destructive influence of the Canaanite/Phoenician mystery religion on Israel. The corrupted religion adopted by Israels/Judah’s leaders easily merged with Hellenistic sun worship, which was of course, the same religion. Merging with the beast system and the Hellenic sun worship officially put an end to the practice of God’s law in Israel/Judah. For this reason Jesus stated he was sent to the lost sheep of Israel.
Many new temples were built, known as synagogues. They contained idols, in the tradition of ancestor worship, and the temples were sometimes mistaken for Hellenistic temples due to the similarities. This blended Hellenism and Old Testament Jewish tradition would later become known as Judaism. It would place a ruling elite in the place of God, and their oral law, in place of Gods written law. This oral law was compiled in the Talmud and Mishnah. The same rejection of God described throughout the Old Testament was a reflection of the rejection of Jesus Christ in the New Testament by these same leaders.
In the New Testament Jesus exposed that everything the rulers were teaching was a lie, that they were doing it for political power, and had NEVER known God at all. Not that they didn’t listen to God, but that they didn’t even know him, because their god was someone else. He exposed that their oral tradition was their own invention and has nothing to do with God. And he told them that their prized sun temple would be completely torn down.
This is why they needed Jesus eliminated. He was exposing the secret religion of these elites: The people in Judea all believed that the leaders of the Jews were worshiping the same God, the creator. But they were not. And Jesus said so, publicly.
He was not at all the Messiah they were expecting, and not what they had been hoping for. They had established a belief in their own racial supremacy, something which God fully rejected, and a belief in their divine right to rule over all other people. And that their messiah would come and establish an earthly kingdom for them, in which they would rule over all other nations. (Sound familiar? Its the same religion- the same as what Nimrod tried to establish.) This continues the theme of the Bible of seeking earthly riches and an earthly kingdom, rather than a spiritual one. They rejected Jesus because he offered peace, racial equality and salvation to ALL people. He taught people to love everyone, to be humble, to be a servant to others, not to rule over them, and to treat others the way you would want to be treated. When He said my kingdom is not of this earth they could not understand him, and had no idea what he was talking about, because they had never known God or listened to his word. They had been following this oral tradition instead of God’s laws for hundreds of years. God always required writings and memorials of his laws, so they could not be changed or forgotten by future generations. For this reason the anti-God anti-Christ movement has always wanted memorials removed, and the laws unwritten so the ever changing oral tradition could be imposed on the people, and used to secure more and more power.
The problems Jesus created for the ruling powers in Jerusalem by exposing them, became the same problems that his believers and followers would create for the ruling powers in all nations in the coming centuries. During the life of Jesus, and after his resurrection a belief spread rapidly that he was the savior of the world, and the ONLY TRUE authority in the world, who was to be a king ruling over all nations. They believed he was the only good king, in a world of corrupted earthly kings who abused the people they ruled over. This created a major problem for the ruling bloodlines, since it displaced them in the minds of the people from their positions of authority.
With the spread of this belief it would undermine the authority of any king and they would lose the power and respect they desperately desired.
For this reason, faith in Jesus had to be destroyed. And those who would not give up their faith would themselves be destroyed. And this is what the international ruling bloodline elite seek to destroy, the one thing that limits their earthly power: Faith in God and in Jesus Christ. This is the New World Order System that we see being finalized today.
While Jesus had promised eternal life, a new earth, and the death of old and corrupted things these bloodline rulers plotted for a new order in this existing earth, a new world order which they would place their king on the throne and rule over all nations.
In Alexandria, the most prominent city established by Alexander the Great, Hellenistic Judaism gave rise to Gnosticism. Aristobulus of Alexandria taught that Judaism and Hellenism were actually just two variations of the same religion, and demonstrated that the writings of early Hellenist authors and Jewish authors were essentially the same. (The truth is, that the ancient mystery religion predates Judaism by thousands of years. Judaism is just one of the many spawns of this religion, and that is the reason for all the similarities between the two.)
The father of Gnosticism is said to be Simon Magus, or Simon the Sorcerer, who is mentioned in scripture. He went from Jerusalem to Rome, and proclaimed himself to be the son of god. He was able to perform acts of black magic, and at one point, he had the entire population under his influence and was actually believed to be a god. He is considered by many to be the first pope of Roman Catholicism.
Philo of Alexandria was of noble background from a family of extraordinary wealth, and had close ties to the priest kings of the Edomite Herodian, Hasmonenan Jewish and Julio-Claudian dynasties. Philo advanced the work of Aristobulus, and his writings included descriptions of an elite group of illuminated wise-men, hidden from public view, Alexandrian Gnostics who were endowed with secret knowledge, and who were able to reach a state of perfection thru isolation, deprivation and spiritual exercises. The work of Philo and Aristobulus was continued by Jewish mystics such as Basilides, Valentinus and Saturninus. Gnosticism at its core was the belief that salvation comes primarily thru knowledge and enlightenment, not from faith in Jesus, and it taught that Jesus had NOT DIED on the cross, but had survived or escaped by some means.
This secret, hidden knowledge was unwritten, orally transmitted, and obtainable only thru teaching from enlightened masters. A move toward spirituality and inner illumination, and away from unchangeable written law and orthodoxy.
It stood in direct contrast to the teachings of Jesus- that the only knowledge of true importance, is salvation offered to all – thru faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which represented the ability of all people to defeat death and enter into life.
The Gnostic teachers began labeling their religious system as Christianity and mixing in elements of Christian faith, to dupe and deceive early Christians. They even re-named their sun-god Jesus.
Using this method, unsuspecting early Christians could be gradually steered off course from their faith and under the spell of these highly skilled teachers. The Gnostic movement was an intelligence operation used to capture and redirect the faith away from Jesus, and back in the direction of the ruling powers.
As the Hellenistic period gave way to the Roman Empire, the Caananite-derived religion remained and was the foundation of the religion of Rome. Many of the Prominent Gnostic spiritualists went from Alexandria to Rome, where they spread the gnostic doctrine, formed schools and gained a large following. Because Romans practiced a variation of sun worship known as Mithraism, and gnosticism was simply another variation of the same ancient mystery religion it was not difficult to convert large numbers in Rome quickly to Gnosticism. Some historians have noted that it seemed almost the entire city of Rome converted virtually overnight to gnostic “Christianity.” In reality, however, different aspects of the same religion were simply merging. The Hellenist and Roman gods and their background stories were nearly identical, sometimes worshipped under the same name, sometimes under different names, and many of the religious rites and beliefs were similar or identical.
The version of the sun worship religion known as Mithraism had been introduced to Rome in the 1st century BC thru marriages with the priest kings of Media and Commagene, and the Phoenician priest kings of Emesa.
At the Temple of the Sun in Emesa, Baal was worshipped as a black stone. Tiberius Claudius Bablius, a descendant of both priest kings Mithradates I of Media and Mithradates I of Commagene was a sorcerer and a close advisor to the Roman emperors Nero, Claudius and Vespasian.
When the mystery religion began calling itself Christianity, statues worshipped as gods were not even removed, just renamed. Severe crackdowns took place against true Christians. Laws were passed requiring all people to sacrifice to the Roman fertility gods. Penalties included confiscation of property and imprisonment or death.
But these persecutions failed, and were not nearly sufficient to stop the spread of authentic Christianity. They even had the opposite of the intended effect, causing it to spread. Finally, to gain control of Christianity, Rome announced that “Christianity” would become the official religion of the state. The story of how this came about includes a preposterous tale about the “conversion of Constantine.”
In the 4th century AD, Constantine the Great, another descendant of the long line of Roman priest kings and sorcerers, as well as a descendant of Antiochus I of Commagene, the Seleucids, the Argeads, Achamenids, Belus and Magog, claimed that one day while staring at the Sun he noticed a symbol that looked like this. On another occasion he had a dream in which he felt that he was instructed by someone to use that symbol to conquer all his enemies. Now certainly anyone familiar with the teachings of Jesus would know right away, that what Constantine claimed to experience had nothing to do with Jesus, since Jesus taught not to attack others, to love everyone including your enemies, not to try to build an earthly kingdom, and to give up material things in pursuit of the kingdom of God.
But we are told, that Constantine was so inspired by this event that he decided not only to convert to Christianity for no apparent reason, but also to end the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire. (Something which is also untrue, since 2 years prior to this, the Edict of Serdica had already ended persecutions for political expedience.)
Years after his alleged conversion, Constantine was still overseeing widespread Hellenistic religious practices, issuing coinage honoring himself as the sun god, and erecting columns of himself portrayed as the sun god with a solar halo. This column is still standing today in the city formerly known as Constantine-ople. His religion was the same at the end of his life as was on the day he received his message of conquest from the sun.
Constantine’s version of Sun Worship disguised as Christianity became known as Roman Catholicism.
Many Mithraic elements remained, such as changing the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sun-day, to honor the sun, because Sunday was a holyday in Mithraism; Celebrating December 25th in honor of Mithras, during Winter Solstice; Nero in the 1st century under the guidance of Tiberius Claudius Balbilus had adopted the traditional Solar crown worn by Mithras, and emperors after him continued to wear it. The typical kings crown that has become so familiar, actually originated with the solar crown and the worship of the king as the sun god, with the points at the top representing sun rays.
There are 7 levels, or degrees of initiation in Mithraism which the initiate must advance through. The symbols used at all degrees can be found throughout Roman Catholic rituals, with the highest level being father, who wears a mitre, a ring, elaborate robes, and carries a shepherds staff. These degrees of initiation correspond with the seven levels of catholic clergy: deacon, diocese priest, religious priest, bishop, archbishop, cardinal, and pope.
The Mithraic rituals admitted candidates by secret ceremonies, the meaning of which was known only to the initiated. The Roman wine and bread ceremony is a Mithraic ritual that predates Jesus and has nothing to do with Christianity. Instead of bread, mini sun disks are eaten. In Mithraism, dead ancestors were worshipped as deities. Mithraic Temples were always dedicated to and named for a particular deity or dead ancestor. Men worshipped Mithras, women worshipped Cybele/Artemis, and Mithraic Priests were called father and priestesses called mother, a tradition which continues today in the Catholic church. Mithraic worshippers used caves and underground temples with steps leading down to the entrance. Praying was done kneeling on benches, and included ritual chanting of hymns. Every one of these Mithraic practices was carried over into the new Roman Catholic, or Universal church.
This new Gnostic version of Mithraism called Catholicism, also incorporated elements of Judaism, (note-not elements of Christianity but only of Old Testament traditions) a rejection of Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of the old law, and as the messiah. Traditions such as daily sacrifices & rituals, censers, incense, priesthood, high priest, elders, confessional, daily sacrifice, altars, gold vessels for the altar, special clothing for the priests, head coverings for prayer chanting, cantillation, repetitive unnecessary sayings and mantras, prostrating oneself, feast days, processions, holydays (holidays), holy water, confirmation rituals, burning candles for the dead, facing east toward the sun, salvation only thru loyalty to the church leadership, not thru faith Jesus, and secret unwritten oral traditions.
Catechisms became the Catholic version of the Oral Law, a never ending catalogue of changing rituals and requirements designed to exert total control over every aspect of daily life and over the mind. As explained in the Catholic Encyclopedia, the rituals taking place are from the Hellenistic synagogue, not from the Bible. It is a disguised synagogue service. And Jesus was clear about who the rules synagogue with its Hellenistic origins.
The new church also performed fake baptisms which don’t include submersion in water, representing death and resurrection, and which don’t include repentance from sin. By dripping water on infants too young to understand baptism, it assures that no one will ever be baptized since they are told from a young age that they have already been baptized.
The new state religion placed the ruling bloodline elites in charge of “Christianity.” What had been achieved by ‘christianizing’ the state, was an institution far more powerful than any political state, because of its ability to influence the conscience and minds of people, and to affect behavior in a way no secular government could. The institution was known as THE CHURCH.
Due to total ignorance of Biblical scripture, and of the origins of the sun worship religion, historians have accepted the lie that the Jesus of Constantine’s alleged conversion was the Jesus of the New Testament. What seemingly has never occurred to many, is that the sign Constantine saw, and the dream he had, were inspired by his god, not by The God, the creator. The god of the Roman Church is a very different god from the God of the Bible. This is the reason for such drastic differences in the Roman church and the teachings of Jesus. Jesus did reveal that many impostors would come using his name. The Jesus of the Catholic church was the Bishop of Rome. And they have no problem telling you this. It isn’t a secret. The Mary of the church is Isis, also called Artemis. The elites in The Church known as the clergy, lived with great splendor and luxury, while the peasants living in extreme poverty were known as the laity. The laity were required by law to attend Mithraic ceremonies known as mass, or be killed. They were required to pay tribute to the pope. They were tricked into buying from the church all sorts of trash, such as scraps of wood they were told came from Jesus’ cross, or holy water, which was just ordinary water. Buying these items often required saving for months or years, but it was said to make the Jesus of their church very happy.
Carrying on the practices of the Theraputae of Alexandria- the illuminated ones, were monks.