While many of the Templars across Europe were arrested and executed, most escaped and settled in two primary locations: Scotland, and Southern Spain/Portugal. In Scotland, the Merovingian Robert the Bruce had recently seized power by assassinating John Comyn, the claimant to the Scottish throne.
Also already established in Scotland were the Merovingian Sinclairs, descendants of William Gellone. There, the surviving Templars joined with the Sinclairs and built monasteries, abbeys, and Rosslyn Castle and later Rosslyn Chapel.
The Templars excavations in Jerusalem had also unearthed a royal archive dating from the time of King Solomon, with documents revealing that Phoenicians from Tyre over 2000 years prior, who were master shipbuilders and navigators, by use of astrology, had voyaged to a distant westerly continent following a star called “La Merika” meaning Western Star. This is how America was named. (To conceal this fact, a later claim was made that the land was named after Amerigo Vespucci, a claim which makes no sense as he was an obscure, little known navigator, who did not discover the land, and place names always carried last names not first names. Additionally, there is no record of any person named Amerigo in history prior to Vespucci, indicating he was named after America not the other way around.)
Henry Sinclair, Earl of Orkney and Lord of Rosslyn, took 12 ships and sailed west exploring Greenland, Nova Scotia and the areas which are now Massachusetts and Maryland.
Sinclair is believed to have brought a large deposit of Templar treasure to New Scotland, or Nova Scotia, where it was hidden on Oak Island, resulting in a legend of the treasure of Oak Island which has inspired countless treasure hunters to search the island for centuries.
Nicolo and Antonio Zeno, from a noble family involved in the crusades, were explorers who accompanied Sinclair to North America, and published letters and a map documenting their travels. A monument in Nova Scotia today also recounts the Sinclair arrival in North America, as do numerous books. As usual, the long established history of these events has been covered up by revisionist modern historians, in the 19th and 20th centuries not based on any new evidence, but mostly by feigned skepticism and omission.
The Scottish Templars became known as the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
The other surviving Templars who did not go to Scotland ended up in Southern Spain and Portugal, since the king in Portugal was the Merovingian Denis. Clement V, the pope who had ordered the expulsion of the Templars, was replaced by Jacques Dueze, born into a Merovingian banking family. He took the title John XXII. He issued an order which allowed the Templars to keep all of their wealth and continue transferring it thru inheritance.
So the world’s wealthiest men, not only kept their wealth but began increasing it exponentially. Denis protected the Templars in Portugal, and rebranded them the Royal Military order of Christ, with their logo as the Templar red cross inside a sun.
The Templars under new names remained the most powerful men in Europe, and over the next few centuries, embarked on a large scale colonization and looting operation of the entire earth. The Age of Looting and Genocide is fondly referred to by modern historians as the Age of Discovery. The secret order, still under the guidance of the illuminated ones in the monasteries, continued their conquest and expansion. They began traveling to every destination they could reach on earth, murdering the local populations, confiscating the land, and looting the natural resources, an operation which continues to this day.
The Templar Grand Master known as Henry the Navigator developed a ship, the caravel, that was smaller, faster, much easier to turn and maneuver, and could sail against the wind and even go up rivers and travel inland. This allowed for the colonization and looting of areas much further inland that had previously been inaccessible by ship.
Continuing the tradition of their Phoenician ancestors, who had successfully reached the west coast of Africa 2000 years prior, Templar navigators in the late 15th century, including Henry, Goncalo Cabral, Diogo Cao and Gil Eanes
were discovering and settling Islands in the Atlantic and using them as bases from which to sail up and down the coast of Africa, and returning with kidnapped African natives to be sold into slavery. The island of Madeira was discovered by Henry the Navigator and the Templars created settlements there. They discovered sugar production to be extraordinarily profitable, and even more so when slave labor was utilized to cultivate it.
This system of sugar production using slave labor would later be used on a massive scale, with enormous sugar plantations established by the Templars in the Americas, and slaves transported across the Atlantic to work on them.
The Atlantic slave trade, and the Age of Imperialism and colonialism are today blamed on “white people” but were in reality strictly Templar Crown enterprises. While the modern history books blame these horrors on the British, French, Portuguese and Spanish, the populations of these nations had nothing to do with any of it. Just as today, the populations of Western nations are completely opposed to the military and colonial adventures undertaken by their Templar-owned governments.
Navigation and the mapmaking trade that made all of it possible were also strictly Templar enterprises. Mapmaking or cartography was associated with royalty and international commerce. The King and Queen of Spain, Ferdinand and Isabella, Merovingian Jews presided over a so-called Spanish Golden Age, which involved the Templar conquest of dozens of nations and the theft of gold, resources and artifacts, and the enslavement of countless natives from Africa, Southern Asia and the Americas.
One of these missions was Christopher Columbus’ journey to the Americas. This journey was not a fairytale discovery of a magical kingdom as it has been made out to be, it was simply one more Templar genocidal conquest, which is underscored by Columbus’ first thoughts upon reaching land. He wrote:
“The people here are simple in war-like matters…I could conquer the whole of them with fifty men, and govern them as I pleased.”
As soon as Columbus returned from his voyage, a divine-right-to-rule Merovingian family dispute broke out over control of the vast new territories and their resources.
The dispute was settled by the Treaty of Tordesillas, in which the sides divided the earth into segments and agreed they each owned roughly half of the world.
The Royal Africa company, funded by the Templar bankers in the London Temple district, was run by the James II, the grandson of King James I. It brought more slaves to the Americas than any other institution. (Even though technically 100% of the Atlantic slave trade was carried out by the same institution, the Templars in London, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, under a variety of company names.)
All these joint stock companies were used to conceal the identities and activities of the people funding these ventures. These companies, said to be an imaginary or artificial person, were the precursor to modern corporations. They were also used to create shields from financial liability, and from criminal liability for unlawful acts.
It was a free for all. Templars hiding behind these companies raced to occupy every inch of the earth, with little to no accountability for their actions. They formed their own militaries, and became permanent occupying forces in nations where they were looting the resources.
The largest of these was the East India Company, which toppled and replaced the government of India, installing a puppet regime which ruled India for over a century.
The system of overthrowing a nation and securing control of its government began evolving toward less use of force, and to the more efficient and cost effective method of using deception to regime change governments and install corporate owned puppet governments, which would keep the people under control while their resources were looted.
For the next 4 centuries, the Templars continued to amass incalculable wealth, creating hundreds of stock companies, with a variety of names and for many different ventures, but actually were just tentacles of one gigantic machine.
While Americans today enjoy imagining the first voyages to North America as heroic pilgrims seeking freedom from Crown oppression, in reality these early voyages were Crown business ventures for the purpose of conquest and resource looting. The predecessor of the famed King James I was Elizabeth I. Her controlling handler was Templar monk and sorcerer John Dee, who coined the term British Empire, to assign the blame for Templar looting and genocide on the British people. It was Dee who first advocated for Crown conquest of the Americas.
Templar controlled business entities began receiving charters allowing them to create permanent Crown settlements in the Americas.
Permanent settlements were established as tobacco growing ventures, and the original colonists were employees of the company, transported there to operate the tobacco plantations. Meanwhile laws were passed banning tobacco production in England to create a monopoly. After early successes the Crown shipped 100,000 prisoners to North America to work on the plantations. Then they began delivering shipments of African slaves to North America.
From this point forward, the largest Templar corporations were more powerful than any nation or government, and began to work on regime changing and installing their puppets in every nation on earth, not just those accessible by sea.
The slave trade, colonialism, and the associated genocides are often blamed on Christians. This is because the Merovingian Jews would publicly pose as Christians to conceal their identity, and so that their crimes would be blamed on Christianity. At the same time, whenever they controlled the papacy in Rome, they would inflict on real Christians in Europe (so-called Protestants) the most horrific tortures in the history of humanity. They inflicted torture and death by methods including boiling alive in water, chopping off limbs, dragging to death or pulling apart by horses, roasting over coals, beheading, burning alive, hung by ropes and dropped repeatedly to the floor, pushed off cliffs, torn to pieces with hooks, sealed inside walls or buried alive, rolled on broken glass, hanged, tied to a wheel and having their limbs smashed and broken with sticks, sawed in half, impaled on stakes, placed alive in a spiked coffin known as an iron maiden, fed to wild beasts, skinned alive, placed inside a searing hot brass bull, so that smoke came out the nose when the flesh was cooked, having their children tortured and killed in front of them, and many other creative methods of torture and murder.
For 1000 years, opposition had grown against the Luciferian church calling itself Christian. It peaked in the early 16th century, with a mass uprising of Christians, a period referred to as the Protestant Reformation, a protest against the lies and crimes of the Church and the papacy. The reformation was sparked after Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses, a document outlining the ways in which the church and its practices were directly against the teachings of the Bible and therefore could not be not a Christian organization.
Luther called for the ill gotten gains of the Templars and the bankers to be returned to the peoples and countries who had been robbed, and he wanted a requirement put in place for all Jews to work in productive industry, rather than moneylending schemes which created widespread poverty. Charles V, a Merovingian Jew issued the Edict of Worms, an order labeling Luther as public enemy number one, and offering a reward for his capture. A ban was issued on the possession or reading of any of Luther’s writings, which was punishable by torture and death.
As momentum built against Rome and the papacy, and against any kings supporting Rome, the monastics saw an opportunity gain control of Rome and the papacy once and for all. A Merovingian monk and mystic named Ignatius of Loyola had received his training at Benedictine Monastery, after which, of course, he isolated himself for extended periods in a cave, performing spiritual exercises and seeking an illuminated state of spiritual enlightenment and perfection. Once this state of perfection was achieved, one was permitted to sin without limits or consequence, including, theft, rape and murder.
Loyola was associated with a group known as the Alumbrados, or illuminated ones. (The truth behind these spiritual exercises and isolation and deprivation are the channeling of demonic forces, allowing them to take control of a person, and subordinating ones free will where they can then be used, like a stick, or corpse.)
The now Illuminated Ignatius approached the pope with a proposal for a strategy to stop the Christian (“Protestant”) uprising and help the Roman Church reclaim its dominance. (The real the plan of Ignatius was to establish the Templars permanently as the true controlling power behind the papacy.)
He proposed to pope Paul III that the Templars would install a military order (Jesuit Order) which would use methods of deception and secret infiltration to destroy Christianity (Protestantism) from within, once and for all, and restore the power of Rome, with the Jesuits as the army to enforce the orders of the papacy.
The plan he outlined was to infiltrate the Protestant churches and schools using highly trained and illuminated intelligence agents who would pose as Christian (Protestant) preachers but would teach their gnostic doctrine, carefully disguised as Biblical teaching, but with slight and subtle differences. They would use this strategy to splinter the Protestant world into many smaller factions (denominations) which could then be further controlled and misdirected away from Biblical teaching. In addition they would establish Templar schools, colleges, seminaries, and churches all over the world, to teach these slightly corrupted Biblical doctrines, and to promote false education and science, to make it appear that science and scripture were incompatible.
With no other means to stop the Protestant Reformation, pope Paul III approved of the plan. This placed the Templars in a position of power over the pope. The Royal Military order of Jesus Christ that Denis had formed, was renamed the Society of Jesus, also called the Jesuit Order. Their logo was the sun.
Like the Knights Templar, it was a military order formed for the purpose of establishing their world religion to rule from Jerusalem, and to do so by any means necessary. This would require the complete destruction of Christianity, as true Christians – believers of Bible scripture – would be the only ones aware of what was being done. From this point forward, the Jesuit Order became the real power behind Rome, and the Jesuit general known as the Black Pope would give orders. The White Pope would become more of a ceremonial figurehead, while the Merovingian Black Pope would rule from the shadows.
Jesuits are sworn to an oath of total submission and loyalty under penalty of torture and death. They are to violently kill all Christians, to start wars, to fight for both sides if needed, to infiltrate all religions and preach in their churches, and to establish the power of their order by any means necessary.
The extensively trained and highly committed Jesuit agent infiltrators were taught to be used, like a stick, with no will of their own, and total submission to orders. They became the precursor to all modern intelligence agencies.
By the time of the death of Ignatius Loyola in 1556, there were 1000 Jesuits in the order, stationed in various countries. This period following the creation of the Jesuit Order is known as the Counter-Reformation, a period of an all out assault on Christianity, which continues to this day. An assault by people calling themselves Christian.
Henry the 8th, the English king, was one of the most Catholic men who ever lived. He was a Merovingian Jewish descendant of William of Gellone, and he was of Order of the Garter, the highest of the various Templar chivalric orders, one whose logo was the Templar cross. It must be understood that the knights of these orders are sworn to blood oaths of total loyalty and submission, and their loyalties never change for any reason under penalty of violent death.
Henry publicly proclaimed his descent from Constantine the Great, which is correct, although rejected by clueless modern historians. Henry was a Catholic so devout, he wrote a treatise called Defense of the Seven Sacraments, a document considered extremely important to the Counter Reformation, and he was rewarded by the pope for it. Historians remain confused as to exactly why such a prominent Catholic and Templar figure as Henry would suddenly reverse course on all his core beliefs and become a Protestant leader. Of course in reality he didn’t change any beliefs, his fake transformation was part of the Counter Reformation deception.
Henry began making a public display of having feigned skirmishes with Rome, and then shortly after Ignatius Loyola and his men presented their Jesuit infiltration plan to the pope, Henry was suddenly reversing all of his core beliefs, announcing he had become a Protestant and ordering the dissolution of all the gnostic monasteries in England.
Protestants were aware that these monasteries were filled with corruption, perversion, and public money, so this and other public displays by Henry the 8th and his successor Edward, were designed to make the people imagine that England had broken from Rome and established its own Protestant church called the Church of England. In practice however, very little within the church changed, including its close ties with government and with Rome. The new English church even used as its symbol, the ancient Mark of Cain, denoting Kingship and Royal Bloodline rule, a mark very similar to the Templar cross. Many were not fooled by the theatrics and nonsense and left the fake “Protestant” Church of England.
These groups who left the church were known as Separatists or Puritans. But the expertly trained Jesuit agents posing as Protestants, quickly infiltrated these separatist groups and assumed leadership roles. It is easy to wonder when studying early American history, why the Puritan leaders all look so sinister. Every Puritan leader was an Oxford or Cambridge educated, Jesuit representative of the system, while posing as leaders of the resistance movement attempting to escape the system.
These two universities, which are today among the wealthiest and most powerful organizations on earth, are actually monasteries, like all Jesuit Schools. The Puritans who escaped from England to America were genuine seekers of freedom, trying to escape Crown oppression, but always being led by wolves in sheeps clothing.
And it was not just the religious leaders. Most early American historical figures were not the humble refugees they are often portrayed as. Myles Standish was of a royal family of great wealth. Captain John Smith was a knight, a practitioner of cartography, and a navigator, associated with the Virginia Company, a Crown business enterprise sent to establish a tobacco growing venture. John Rolfe, also associated with the Virginia Company was an international merchant who was somehow in possession of a special strain of tobacco seeds and extensive cultivation knowledge, the combination of which could only be possessed by a Templar with connections to the already lucrative South America tobacco trade. Rolfe was involved in bringing the first slaves to the North American colonies. And the governor placed in charge of the Plymouth Colony, William Bradford was a royal from the line of William of Gellone, but playing the role of a humble Protestant refugee. He wrote the journal, Of Plymouth Plantation, the primary source of history from the period.
As the Jesuit intelligence agents swarmed and took control over the groups of Bible believers across Europe and America, people were gradually steered away from reading scripture themselves, and into organized churches, which were actually business ventures fashioned in the model of the Roman church.
Everything was organized from the top down, in a corporate structure to generate wealth for the top of the pyramid. This was by far the greatest accomplishment of the Counter Reformation: Church replaced scripture. And the pastor replaced God.
Church gatherings which had historically been for the organic study and discussion of scripture, were transformed into money generating lecture halls, with two separate castes, clergy and laity. Speakers stood separate and elevated on platforms and looked down on the people while instructing them what scripture to read, but more importantly, what to think of their reading, with no debate or discussion.
The lack of debate or discussion, allowed for grave errors to go unchallenged, and false beliefs to be spread among communities. Speakers represented themselves as prophets, or men sent by God, with no authority to make such claims. They referred to their money-making churches as the house of God in direct opposition to the Bible.
Church buildings sprang up in every neighborhood, and herded believers into passive roles as students listening to a teacher. People abandoned the instructions given to them by Jesus to go into the world and teach the news of eternal life, and the power over death. Instead, each week they would return to the same lecture hall, pay a fee, and sit and listen to different variations of the same message.
The process would be repeated each week. They never stopped to consider, that if the message was getting through, why they needed to come back each week, instead of going and teaching the message to others themselves. Most even abandoned the study of the Bible, content to receive a small weekly dose of carefully selected scripture from the pulpit. 4 centuries later, the Counter Reformation is still in progress and the successes of this intelligence operation are evident.
Mega churches are everywhere, generating billions of dollars. They teach a completely false, motivational speaker version of Christianity, which emphasizes material gain: an earthly kingdom in exchange for monetary payments to the church. You pay us, and God will pay you. Of course the people under this deception never receive their earthly kingdom. They remain in poverty while church leaders build their earthly kingdoms, and sell their souls in exchange for a bite of the apple, owning numerous homes, aircraft, luxury cars and yachts, all paid for by duped but well meaning people who don’t know any better because they don’t read scripture except whatever is handed to them on Sunday.
The mega church pastors are all Jesuit/Freemasonic agents posting as Protestants, and the smaller churches copy and mimic their messages and business model.
The Counter Reformation unleashed wars across Europe to stamp out Christianity and individual rights and freedoms, and reclaim the authority of the ruling bloodlines for Jesuit-powered Rome. In Germany this resulted in the 30 Years War, a ongoing state of war to punish the Protestant nation where the reformation had begun. The war started when Protestants ousted the Merovingian Jewish king, Ferdinand II.
This led to a brutal retaliation by Rome. Jesuits and their hired mercenary armies swarmed across Germany burning Protestant homes and farms, murdering entire families, confiscating any item of value and raping and killing women in front of their husbands before killing him.
Many Protestants were accused of being witches, and arrested and tortured, till they confessed to being witches. These witch hunts and witch trials led to the public execution of thousands. One such victim, Johannes Junius’ letter from prison to his daughter became famous, as he described his decision to give a false confession that he was a witch and be burned to death so he could escape a never ending series of tortures.
The war failed to stamp out Christianity in Germany, but millions of Protestants were killed, and the Merovingian rule was restored, as the son of Ferdinand II, Ferdinand III, claimed the throne. The same circumstances took place in the Netherlands, as Dutch Protestants fed up with tyranny and foreign rule rebelled against Phillip II of Spain. A long range conflict resulted in the land being split in 2, with the Protestants in the North and the Merovingian Habsburg rule remaining in the South. This was known as the 80 years war.
In Ireland, the poorly named Irish Rebellion was actually a carefully pre-planned and scheduled genocide of Protestants by Jesuits. Weapons were distributed among the Catholic population by Jesuits and local bishops and priests, and then on the anniversary of the feast of Ignatius Loyola, Protestants were suddenly attacked across Ireland. They were dragged from their homes and tortured and killed in the most violent ways possible. 40,000 were massacred. Many were forced to convert to Catholicism, and told they would be spared if they converted, but after converting were then killed anyway.
In France, similar massacres of Protestants took place. In the St Bartholomew’s massacre, 70,000 Protestants were slaughtered for no reason, dragged from their homes and killed in the streets.
In Spain, no Protestants were permitted under any circumstances, and religious freedom was not allowed at all, until 1980. In each of these Counter Reformation assaults, Jesuits posing as Protestant leaders created conditions for war by agitating for conflict, to justify the mass slaughters, and make them appear to be retaliation, and part of a 2-sided conflict. Some estimate as many as 50 million Protestants have been killed since the start of the Reformation. After the slaughters across Europe the Jesuits were banished in many places in Europe and the American colonies.
Despite the genocide of the Christians (“Protestants”) across Europe, resistance to the Jesuit/Templars and their tyrannical bloodline rule only grew, as did the widespread realization that this was a battle between good and evil, light and darkness.
Eradication of hundreds of millions of Protestants simply was not possible at that time using force, as the Jesuits were too outnumbered.
The process of world conquest would have to be slowed down. A new approach with more stealth was needed. The realization that the pen is mightier than the sword as a tool for revolution, caused the Jesuits to temporarily put down the sword and pick up the pen.
A new method, using state controlled education would become the preferred means of destroying faith in God and establishing faith in the state, and the state would be controlled by Jesuit-controlled Rome. Rather than external conquest of large Protestant populations, influence them to commit suicide.
Published in 1626 was The New Atlantis, by Templar Francis Bacon. It depicted an imaginary utopian kingdom, presided over by illuminated gnostic wise men, with a state sponsored education, free to all citizens, to be used as a tool keep the masses confused and subservient to their master ruling class. This free education, would be sold to the people as an age of illumination, or enlightenment which would uplift the world from its place of “ignorance.” (A restoration of the old Atlantis, an ancient, pre-flood empire ruled by sea-faring merchants.)
In reality of course the free education is the same secret knowledge offered to Eve in the garden of Eden. It was to be a fake enlightening; miseducation for the purpose of separating people from the knowledge of God, the knowledge of their history and creation, and most importantly, to separate them from faith in Jesus Christ, so that they can be entrapped, enslaved, easy to rule over, and easy to eliminate.
Bacon described a state sponsored educational center which he called Solomon’s House, a not-so-subtle reference to the Templar origins, and to the earthly temple or earthly kingdom they were working to build. He referred to Solomon’s Temple as the EYE of the kingdom. He described the illuminated monks of the temple as skilled illusionists, capable of creating powerful deceptions. Thru such deceptions, they would obtain willing submission to their rule, eliminating the need for conquest.
The Invisible College was created: A small group of gnostics led by alchemist Robert Boyle, who met to discuss practical ways of achieving a society as outlined in The New Atlantis. The group expanded, and in 1663 became known as The Royal Society. Royalty it was: Boyle was a Merovingian Jew born into enormous wealth and served as director of the East India Company.
In 1666 a member of the Royal society, Cristopher Wren, a Templar knight and master mason, built the new St. Paul’s Cathedral in the Crown Temple district in London.
Which brings us to the Jesuit origins of Freemasonry. Jesuits and Freemasons are always presented as opposing counterparts. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Freemasonry originated with the construction of the Tower of Babel. When God divided the people and confused the languages, an attempt was made to employ a non-verbal means of communication, using signs and symbols to communicate in an attempt to keep the tower construction going. The construction failed, but some of the builders who worked on the tower passed this non-verbal language down thru the generations, as a symbol of their commitment to continue to oppose God and finish the construction of their temple and to eventually restore their earthly kingdom.
This secret means of communicating became known as masonry because of the tower builders, or masons who originated it. The Knights Templar had come back from Jerusalem with sacred knowledge of masonry techniques which had allowed them to build the massive temples all over Europe.
These temple-building Templar-masons formed guilds, and masonic lodges were erected next to the site of each temple being constructed, to lodge or house the temple craftsmen so they did not need to travel to and from the building site. The lodges were design and eating and sleeping quarters. The first of these masonic lodges was built in 1248 when the Templars began construction on the Cologne Cathedral, a project so ambitious, it was not fully completed for 630 years.
There was a hierarchy among the Masons, based on skill and experience. There were stone cutters, who were outranked by stone hewers or chiselers, a more artisan skill. These were outranked by architects and designers.
These rankings were eventually known as degrees, and many additional degrees were added, as members of the bloodline who were not involved directly with temple construction also become honorary members of the Masonic lodges, such as the Merovingian Jew Rudolf von Habsburg, the first king of Germany.
These Masonic degrees came with titles such as Knight of the Sun, Knight Commander of the Temple, and Prince of Jerusalem. After the Templars had been suppressed in the early 14th century, the masonic lodges became useful meeting places for all Templars, not just those specifically involved in Temple construction. Since no one outside the fraternity used these buildings, meetings could be held here and matters discussed in private.
It eventually became known that the leaders of the Templars were operating from Masonic Lodges, and were “desirous of reviving the order of Knights Templars” and were sworn “by oath as members of that order to get back its estates and possessions to get back its estates and possessions, and to revenge the violent death of the last Grand Master on the descendants of those Kings and Princes who were guilty of his murder…”
In 1535, a meeting was held in Cologne by the heads of 19 Masonic lodges across Europe. To attempt to conceal their future activities, they drafted the Cologne Charter, of which 19 copies were signed, one by each of them and sent to the 19 cities where each Masonic lodge was located.
The charter, in response to accusations, included statements that the Masons did not have connections to the Templars. (Even though their lodges were located at the Templar construction sites, and every detail of their practices and rituals mirrored the Templars.) The meeting took place less than a year after the Jesuit infiltration plan was presented to the pope, and it was during the Cologne meeting that it was determined, as part of the Counter Reformation strategy that all Masonic Lodges would be used as the Protestant intelligence arm of the Jesuit Counter Reformation, in the same way the Jesuit order represented the Catholic arm.
But it was not until two centuries later, after the Jesuits were later banned from many countries for their corrupting influence, that Masonry really expanded and became widely known.
Using Freemasonry as the cover proved extremely effective for the Jesuit Order of the Knights Templar. Within 50 years after the suppression of the Jesuits, most of the positions of power in Europe were controlled by Jesuits in disguise as Freemasons. This time, the unsuspecting Protestants allowed the Jesuits to take over and control every aspect of politics, art, education, and religion. The Masonic leaders of the so-called enlightenment were all Jesuit trained intelligence agents, posing as anti-church and anti-pope. To create doubt in God and to build trust the priests of science, they associated God with the evil, tyranny and corruption of the Catholic Church. The pope was evil, so God must be evil.
Science and religion were presented as incompatible. Science and education were to be viewed as the new god, and the Masonic priests creating the fake science and education were to be the highest authority. Centered in Paris, an “intellectual” movement spread across Europe and the American colonies.
Grand Lodges were formed, to direct the activities of the smaller lodges. In 1717 the Grand Lodge of England was formed at St Paul’s Cathedral in the Temple district, and within a few years there were Grand Lodges in France, Ireland, and the US. A speech at the French Lodge by Andrew Ramsey in 1736 gave historical context to the rise of Freemasonry, its Templar origins, and its ultimate purpose, noting that it began in the 11th century, and had an objective of reestablishing control of Jerusalem and rebuilding Solomon’s Temple.
The Jesuit foundations of Masonry always remained visible. In 1751 Baron Karl Gotthelf von Hund, a Merovingian Jew, founded The Order of Strict Observance, a Masonic order which required an oath of total submission and unquestioning obedience to one’s superiors, exactly as the Jesuit oath required total obedience and submission. This order added 7 new degrees to the 25 degrees of the Scottish Rite, for a total of 32 degrees. The Scottish Rite, of course originating at a Jesuit college in Paris. It was an order of “perfection” which taught that a state of enlightened perfection could be achieved by rising thru the degrees.
This was the same illuminist monasticism it had always been, by the same inner circle of initiates. Everything revolved around illumination, enlightenment, and protecting the royal secret. The titles awarded to the masons of the higher degrees usually contained the words knight, temple, sun, royal or secret.
Because these, of course, are the sun worshiping Knights Templar whose royal secret was that the brotherhood secretly considered themselves to be of a royal descent from king David, and who had appointed themselves a divine right to rule over others, and take their lives and property, creating colonialism, slavery, international banking, central banking, and authoritarian governments with the hopes to gain control of Jerusalem from where they intend to rule over all people, eliminate all nationalities and borders, and establish and impose their Luciferian religion, and put an end to Christianity.
If one could demonstrate loyalty, obedience, and absolute secrecy at the lower degrees by passing increasingly difficult tests of their loyalty with each degree, they would advance to these templar degrees where they would learn the secret origins and true purpose of Masonry. This required abandoning loyalties to friends, family and country, but in exchange instant worldly success was offered, and increased greatly with each advancement thru the degrees.
Those who were showed signs of weakness or wavering commitment – an unwillingness to sell their soul, never advanced past the lower degrees. Once ensnared in the trap of the higher degrees, no escape was possible, as the reward for obedience was ever increasing wealth and worldly prosperity, while the penalty for disobeying or trying to escape was public humiliation followed by violent death.
One of the greatest successes of the Counter Reformation was concealing the Jesuit activities within Freemasonry, which caused the people to let their guard down, and allow Freemasons to occupy nearly every position of power or influence in society.
Once the Scottish Rite lodges were established in France and the American colonies, the Freemasons planned and carefully orchestrated two major wars, twin revolutions for different purposes.
In the American Colonies, there were two primary purposes for the Templars to create a revolution. The first was to separate the two most powerful Protestant nations from each other. England had successfully stood up to the Jesuits and put an end to the Stuart monarchy. And the population of American colonies consisted almost entirely of Protestant refugees trying to escape the Jesuit tyranny. The two nations united formed a much more imposing obstacle to the Counter Reformation than they would if the could be separated.
The second purpose was to establish a centralized form of rule over the unruly and independent colonies. It would be much more challenging to corrupt and control 13 individual governments, than one centralized power. To accomplish these two objectives, The Crown in the London Temple district created the problem and the solution. Its international corporations, ratcheted up the oppression on the colonies, while at the same time agitating within the colonies for war against England using their planted agents. The Templar corporations imposed a rapid series of tyrannical acts. The first was The Molasses Act, which was, by an astonishing coincidence, issued in the same year as the first Masonic lodge appeared in America. It was imposed not because the British people wanted it, but because the international corporations that ran the slave trade wanted it. This Act cut off a large source of income to the colonies. When the colonies essentially ignored the act and continued the molasses trade, additional acts were imposed to continue escalating the tensions. John Stuart, the 3rd Earl of Bute, seen here displaying his Templar cross, ordered a standing British army of at least 10,000 to be maintained in the colonies at all times, creating an occupying force. Then colonists were then taxed to pay for it.
These taxes proved difficult to collect, which led to the Quartering Acts, which required American colonists to allow the British troops to be given living quarters in any available facility, and sometimes even in the colonists homes. Imagine any man’s response to being told foreign soldiers will be placed inside your home with your wife and children. These and a series of successive acts were so outrageous it became clear they were never intended to be enforced and carried out, but intended to incite outrage and set off a widespread conflict. While the Temple imposed the encroaching tyranny, the Masonic lodges in the colonies were assigned the task of ratcheting up tensions to creating widespread anti-English sentiment and a desire for war.
The Grand Lodge was in Boston, so the center of revolutionary activity became Boston. The Masons began a propaganda campaign in the colonies: distributing literature, making speeches, holding meetings, assemblies, & demonstrations, and drafting resolutions. They agitated relentlessly against the policies of the British government. Often they wrote under pseudonyms to conceal their identities, and make it appear the propaganda was coming from more varied sources than it really was. Slogans were adopted such as Liberty or Death, and Taxation Without Representation.
They formed a resistance group to stoke tensions with England, known as the Sons of Liberty, who organized attacks on English ships and became a key driving force behind the movement to separate from England. But no figure was more influential in inciting the war than the master Mason Benjamin Franklin. He created his own newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, and began funding 2 dozen other publications to effectively distribute propaganda.
Why were the skeletal remains of many children found underneath the home of the Merovingian warmonger? Likely because Franklin practiced the same child sacrifice that every member of his secret order has been required to practice for thousands of years. The Hellfire Club Franklin regularly attended was a place members could freely make fun of the Protestants and their God, cheat on their wives, and occasionally go downstairs to the underground temple and sacrifice a child or 2. The name Hellfire was not used at the time, it was given later to cover over the fact that this was an monastic order of knights, and to conceal the obvious Templar connections.
After the Revolutionary War, the Templars got both the separation from England and the centralized rule they wanted. They placed a high ranking Templar and descendant of William of Gellone, in charge of the colonies. The Merovingian Jew and master Mason George Washington, was the Crown’s first American King, given the title of president. The slave trader, like all the other prominent founding fathers, was a Jesuit agent posing as a Protestant freedom fighter.
Americans are programmed from a very early age to revere and admire these men, and to believe America had separated from the Crown tyranny, when in fact the centralized Crown rule over the colonies had been established by this war.
To commemorate the conquest, in the tradition of Alexander the Great, a Phoenician Sun Temple was erected, this one serving as a Crown central bank and facilitated by another Alexander. (Hamilton)
The war was all a well crafted stage show, and it proved to the Jesuit Templars how easily they could now start a war anywhere, anytime they desired. The war machine had been switched on and would never be turned off again. The Masonic lodges in France were immediately working on another revolution and many of the same Masons who succeeded in starting the American Revolution helped organize the one in France.
Benjamin Franklin headed to France and was appointed master of the Nine Sisters lodge. Again a similar propaganda campaign was used to create the rallying cry of liberty, fraternity, equality, to turn the population against the Royals of France. The methods used were similar to what they had done in the American Revolution but with the focus on vengeance against the elites, instead of just separation as they had promoted in the American colonies.
The Jesuit Masons had a regime change planned, and needed the appearance of popular support for it, so they recruited an army of useful idiots to carry out the necessary violence. They had very, very personal reasons for targeting the royals in France.
Albert Pike, maybe the foremost authority on Masonry ever to author a book, explains the true purpose behind the French Revolution:
The descendants of the Templars were exacting their revenge on the descendants of Philip IV who had executed the leaders of the Templars centuries prior. They had sworn vengeance against his family of rulers ever since, and the vengeance they awaited for centuries was taken when Louis the 16th was executed by guillotine.
They were pleased with the outcomes of these 2 revolutions, and they would begin planning similar wars against every nation in Europe and across the world. New Masonic lodges continued to appear on every continent.
On 11/22/1822, a statement regarding the plan of attack was put in writing in the Treaty of Verona. This treaty is never included in history books, but became official history when it was placed into the Congressional record by US Senator Robert Owen.
It stated that the divine right of the royal bloodline to rule was incompatible with the concept of representative government, and therefore all representative governments everywhere they appear must be eradicated, and that the best way to accomplish this was to restrict freedom of the press and to use control of religion to influence public opinion.
They moved quickly to enact this plan. In each location being targeted for regime change, the formula they began using was to create in the minds of the public an sudden urgent need for change.
An onslaught of propaganda was unleashed across Europe, similar to the process used in the Revolutionary War and French Revolution. It called for change at all costs, down with the system. What exactly that change would be and what the future would look like was never clarified in any detail, the focus was only on the perceived crimes and corruption of the existing order and vague assurances of something new.
Doubt and confusion needed to be sowed in the minds, so that they could be redirected toward a desired end. Everything was to be questioned, even things that were plainly true. Youth were the primary target as they had little understanding of the nature of circumstances. Also targeted was any group that could be convinced they had been wronged or treated unfairly, such as a minority group or workers in a certain trade.
The real target however was faith.
The existing order to be taken down was the same one it had been since the Masons had been working on the construction of Nimrod’s tower.
Faith in God must be taken down. God, the great divider of peoples, who separated them into nations. Nations, national boundaries, national leaders, and nationalism were presented as the greatest evil and the obstacles to a united world.
The youth were educated to doubt God, doubt their families, and ridicule their country and its history. The world’s redemption was not to be found in God, but in unification. These were the skilled illusions as outlined in The New Atlantis. The masses were lured into an anti-church, anti religion movement, an illumination and enlightenment which was controlled at all times by the Jesuits, working to establish their religion.
No one seemed to notice that this movement against the established elite was run by exclusively by elites born into great wealth.
And if the process failed and the people in any nation maintained power, the Jesuits would simply come back and repeat the process again. When this background is understood, the wave of simultaneous revolutions across the world in the mid 1800’s suddenly makes sense.
And there was, at all times, a larger underlying purpose in regime changing all governments and installing puppet regimes: Zionism.